I finally gave in and got rid of my fat pants, which I've been holding on to as a crutch. Now I'm sporting these Old Navy wonders that I picked up on the way to Peru. It feels good to be in a regular 14 again. Who would have thunk that would be so exciting?
I'm still running four times a week -- 14 miles total -- and loving it. I only wish I could be running outside where the leaves are changing and the weather is crisp. Japan is still in Typhoon season and that is not the least bit welcoming.
I've started a health group called Mormons on the Move. Basically we meet up once a week and discuss our progress, exchange recipes, offer support and keep each other motivated. Some members send me their weekly weigh-ins and other people just let me know how much they gained or lost so I can send out congrats to the group. It's hard to slack when the other members are counting on you to lead them and set an example. It's been just what I needed to stay on track.
As a group we are going to run a Christmas 5k, which is pretty impressive considering a good majority of the group has never run and we range in age from our 20s to the 50s. Each and every one of them inspire me every single time I see them. Seriously, they just radiate with happiness and success, You can't help but be impressed by them.
25 more pounds.... I can do it!