Friday, August 28, 2009

Cash Giveaway

Here is a not-so-funny story of our trip to the library.

Abby is obsessed with money, so even though we went to the library to read some delightful books, she wanted to play with my wallet and count my money.No problem. I like to read so I'll entertain myself with a juicy novel while she runs around with my wallet.

Let's fast forward 30 minutes. I notice Abby has come back with my empty wallet.

This isn't going to be good.

I showed her the spot where the money usually is and said, "Where is mommy's money?" To which she replied, "Book" and "Oh no." Let's just say I spent 30 minutes looking in every book within her reach -- up and down the aisles -- shaking and flipping through the pages looking for her hidden treasure. I'm fairly certain I didn't get it all. She thought it was hilarious. She repeated "book" and "oh no" as she followed me along.

OH NO you didn't.

Long story short, try getting some books at the library if you're a little short on cash this month. You just might get a surprise between the pages.


Sarah said...

Oh no!

Callicott Family said...

I only laugh because Lottie tries to give away my money every opportunity she gets...

Jeremy said...

That's one way to get people to start using libraries again!

Sommer Family said...

Which library was it? I'm headed there right now!

A said...

In the London Toy Shoppe they have a toy called "My first wallet." I think pretend money comes with it. Maybe Aunt Kim should pick that up for little Abby.

Being Ausmus said...

Oh my goodness every single blog has me dying over here...that girl definitely keeps you on your toes...keep it comin Abby, keep it comin:) Your mommy may act exhausted, frustrated or even emotional...but she's just kidding...she really wants more:)!!!

Eden said...

big turd!