Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Gospel

Here is a good FHE idea. A lady at my scripture study class gave us the idea and I found instructions online. I'm teaching the youth this month, so maybe we'll do it in class as well.

Theme: We become a new creation when Jesus comes into our hearts.

Supplies: Pumpkin, large bowl, newspapers, sharp knife, spoon, candle, matches, Bible

Activity: Cut an opening in the top of the pumpkin and have your kids pull out the seeds and scrape the inside of the pumpkin while you read Matthew 23:25-28 and Revelation 3:20

Ask: How is the stuff we pulled out of the pumpkin like sin in our hearts? (They’re both yucky, sticky…)

How is the way we cleaned out our pumpkin like the way Jesus cleans us out when we confess our sins?(Jesus scoops the yucky stuff out, etc)

Draw a happy face on your pumpkin, then carve it out. When your pumpkin has a happy face read 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Ephesians 2:10

Ask: How have we made this pumpkin a “new creation”? How do we become new creations when Jesus comes into our hearts?

Share: When Jesus comes into our hearts, we become new creations, just as our pumpkin has become a new creation. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-10

Read aloud: Matthew 5:14-16. Then light a candle and place it inside the pumpkin. Turn off the room lights and have everyone stand or sit so they can see the light coming through the pumpkin’s face.
Discuss how God wants our light to shine before others. Read 2 Cor. 4:6

Ask: How is the way the candle light comes through the pumpkin like the way God wants our light to shine?

This can be a wonderful way to glorify God on this day and olders kids can help read scripture while the younger ones will have fun learning the Gospel in a way that will stick with them forever.


sly said...

What a cool activity. I love object lessons. The learning sticks with you! I am going to copy this idea-thanks for the sharing!!

Anonymous said...

That's a really neat idea Denise! I LOVE it! I really think I'm going to use that next year :)