Gracie isn't a fan. It's the most boring 15 minutes of her life. You can just see the joy seeping from those big brown eyes.
I doubt they even know I took any pictures.
Here she is watching on a different day. She looks like a little adult all sprawled out and eating in front of the TV. She's already got the pre-teen attitude going on.
Riley will ignore the lures of the toilet playing to watch Elmo's world. You can hear his little hands slapping on the floor to get near the tv. This morning he even clapped.
Hee. Lottie and Adam sprawl on the couch just like that - one on each end, sharing a blanket. At least Abby only likes Elmo's World. My kids love ALL TV (except Sesame Street and Handy Manny. They suck!).
La la la la, La la la la Elmo's world . . . Poor Jay gets no opinion of what to watch on the tv :(
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