Friday, May 07, 2010

Abby Chat

It's been a while since I shared some of Abby's crazy. Here are some quick thoughts.

Lights, Camera, Abby!

Abby loves to turn showgirl every time she spots a "microphone." Whether it's the reading light on the plane or the headboard lights on our bed, she adjusts the mic to her level and belts out one of her nursery jams. You better believe she's the only one allowed to sing karaoke. If I try to join in -- or attempt to take the mic -- that girl will scratch you right in the face. Nobody puts Abs in the corner.

Top Chef

The hotel breakfast buffet is INSANELY expensive. It's about $40 a person. Luckily we get it free since we're basically living in the hotel. I'm sure they wanted to rescind the offer when they saw we had a kid. Abby decided to class up the joint by:

A. Letting everyone know that -- "Abby's poop is hiding. I found the poops. Stinky is in the toilet."

B. Critiquing the food loudly -- "Yuck! Don't eat it, Mommy."

C. And spent 50% of the meal picking her nose openly and proudly. "Abby put her boogie in the napkin. You're welcome."

Keeping Things Fair

Abby is so happy I'm pregnant. She likes to talk to her brother and sing him songs. I thought it would be fun to let her feel the baby moving in my belly. She looked pretty confused and crawled up on the couch to get a better feel. While I was basking in watching my delightful children play for the first time, she roundhouse kicked me to the gut. She followed that little ditty with this announcement, "Brother kicks mommy. Abby wants to kick mommy." And the sibling rivalry starts already....


Cassandra Hill said...

Abby's comments in the hotel buffet made me laugh! She is pretty funny (just like her Mom!).

Callicott Family said...

Abby cracks me up!

Being Ausmus said...

Oh my gosh D...this post has me laughing out loud...thank you:)!!!