Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Around Town

I had to post the following picture of me, because it reminds of when Violet blow up into a big fat grape in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. At least my face still looks thin!

Abby and I traveled around town to amuse ourselves yesterday while Jeremy was at work. These are some pictures of our travels.
This is the American embassy. It is in a prime location for touristy stuff:

Here is the Brandenburg Gate. President Obama spoke in front of it when he was here last. We're a huge fan of stalking places he's been.

This is Tiergarten Park. It is a HUGE park in the middle of the city, much like central park. It has tons of walking/biking/hiking trails and playgrounds. It's just a fabulous place to let Abby run around and yell.

Today was a drizzly day so my pictures are all super dark.

Then we went to the Holocaust Memorial. In no way do I mean to disrespect why it's important, but what the crap is it? Seriously! I can only describe it as tons of blank coffin-like slabs placed equally on an uneven grid. They are all different heights, but all the same length. I don't get it at all. I'm sure it's supposed to provoke sometime kind of emotion other than confusion. Also, what's with the random trees?
Also, this is one of the most unsafe memorials I've ever been to. Crazy tourists were hopping from slab to slab (those ADULT losers should have been shot) and school groups were running wild playing hide and go seek amongst the slabs. If someone ran into a person at a high speed and pushed them into one of the sharp corners, there would have been serious stitches involved.

Abby was hoping for something a little more impressive.

On the way home Abby puked all over herself so it was time for a bath. Nice mommy let her fill the tub up to the brim and splash around in the bubbles. I kept myself occupied by sitting on the floor and watching 30 Rock on my laptop.

Abby's an expert swimmer in the real pool. She can jump from the side into my arms, blow bubbles, dunk herself under the water, and float on her front and back for two seconds (she makes me hold on to her). This girls is going to rock her swim class.
What a pampered sweetie!

Auf Wiedersehen


Jessica said...

I want your life, seriously. I love the purple and I am totally jealous of your gorgeous face! My face already looks pregnant.

Callicott Family said...

You look great. I had a green shirt that I used to wear when I was pregnant - Chris told me I looked like a big fat frog. Thanks... Love all the pictures of Berlin. So much different than the last time I was there - in 1989!

Being Ausmus said...

Man I love reading your blog...I feel like you're in the room next to me with all your one liner's!!! I have to agree the memorial is odd:) But you do NOT look like a fat grape...I think you look fantastic!!! So proud of you for being so brave and adventuring all alone with your toddler...good for you!!!

Crystal said...

Have you figured out how long it will take you to run from your hotel to the Embassy for your emergency plan? And where is the Canadian embassy?

And um, weirdly dangerous memorial.

Anonymous said...

That DOES seem to be a bit dangerous. I don't really understand it either. I'll have to look it up one day.

Oh, and Violet turned into a blueberry :)