Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Jeremy is still out of town, so Abby and I ventured out to explore LegoLand together to pass the time. Some of the excitement included: a mini Lego Berlin, a Lego roller coaster, a Lego playground, a Lego Indiana Jones adventure walk, etc. It's Lego-rific.

Here are some of the sites around Berlin in plastic:

Abby loved the moving trains that go around the city. She made us wait forever to see the red one, which apparently runs on reality time.

They had many cool figurines that you could climb on and get your picture taken in (like this shark). Abby wanted NOTHING to do with them. She even made me carry her by most of them.
Abby loved these Lego boats that she could steer with this fun machine. She really had no clue which boat she was moving, as she kept yelling look at my red boat and hers was blue.

LegoLand had super healthy lunches of slurpees and donuts. Ugh. That's exactly what she needs to yell through nap time.

Abby loved the interactive centers. It's fun to see her being all independent and grown up.

Danger alert! This fun -- but super dangerous -- activity center allowed you to make a Lego house and then see how stable it was by shaking it on the "earthquake" tray. Most of the blocks went flying all over the kids and everyone near by. They better have some Lego insurance.

FYI -- Abby still hates Santa, even if he is made of Legos.

Here is a HUGE Lego firetruck. Somebody call 911....


Being Ausmus said...

Mmmmmm donuts!!!! Seriously my biggest craving these days...isn't that suppose to stop was you're not pregnant anymore????

Crystal said...

Cheyenne is jealous. All that lego stuff looks really fun!

Jill May said...

I love how the Lego shark's mouth is all Lego bloody... Too fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've always been so impressed by lego builders! I wish I had that kind of patience and creativity.

Abby is so funny. I bet the donut and slurpee did WONDERS for the rest of the trip lol.

Aunt Kim said...

Very cool trip! A year ago Abby would have been eating all the lego pieces! Times have changed. What a fun momma!