Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monkey See

Abby and I rocked out the Berlin Zoo today. It was pretty dang amazing. They don't have many annoying fences for the important animals; they use deep moats and electric fences to keep them from killing us. It really freaks you out how close they are and what little there is to protect you, especially when you have a child that is known to charge into danger.

Here's a taste of the wildlife:

Abby loved the fountains.

The lions were fenced in, but you could pretty much reach out and touch them through the fencing if you wanted to. I've never heard a lion roar that close before and I nearly crapped my pants.

Abby and I were totally confused at what the next animal was. Any guesses?

Abby guessed Easter bunnies. Who am I to contradict her?

I was super thrilled we didn't forget our potty lip at home.

Just chillin' like a villain.

We caught the seals getting fed. This lady was a little crazy.

We couldn't miss the famous polar bears. I have no idea which one was the famous Knut.

Abby hated the petting zoo, which was really a fenced in area with TONS of animals running around us. I had to carry her the whole time. Also, who wants to pet ducks?


Anonymous said...

Jack rabbits! Super fun. Way better than jet lag and a sore throat. ~ Christy (I can't get my google log in to work)

Crystal said...

Those bunny type things are freaking me out. Seriously, I'm gonna have nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That looked so fun!

Those animals looked like they were rabbits mixed with deer! Super strange.

Holly said...

My guess on that animal is large long legged guinea pig!

Jeremy said...

My guess is a Wallaby. Did I win???