Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This and That

People in Japan have no problem peeing in public, which is really funny because it's so clean there. I thought we'd bypassed that fun until a man in front of me dropped his pants and crapped on the subway platform yesterday. Totally awesome. I wish I had my camera.

In less disgusting news, I have become a HUGE fan of the pizza place across from our hotel. They sell it by the slice and there are about six different kinds of pizza you can get. The crust is so thin and crispy and it isn't super saucy or cheesy. I'm a huge fan of pizza that doesn't drip with grease. I think being able to order real authentic ethnic foods and shopping at healthy fresh farmers markets are two of my favorite things about Europe.

Berlin has a TON of beer bikes that travel around town and take people from A to B. They have a keg on the front and a bar lines the middle. Everyone who drinks has to peddle, which I'm sure gets pretty hysterical as the night wears on. They play super fun music and Abby gets to excited when she sees them coming. Germans can even make being stuck in traffic fun!

We took Abby to a festival on the weekend. She really wanted to ride on the flying swings but the man said I couldn't ride on them with her. In fact, he said, "I wouldn't call you fat but I don't think you'd fit." Um, whatever.

Here is a random video of Abby playing at one of the attractions. I just like hearing her narrate what other people are doing. She's quite the little chatter.


Jessica said...

I really need to live there with you. I love it all--except for the using the subway platform for a toilet bit.

A Friend's Perspective said...

You totally have to get a closer pic of the beer bike! I've never seen one of those! LOVE IT!

So - you like the pizza? We did NOT. We changed our traditional pizza night to Gyro night because of it! Have you tried the tunfish pizza? - With corn? I liked it but Mark hated it. LOL

Anonymous said...

How fun!

I can't believe how much she is talking! She is growing up so fast!

Denna Le Lyman-Robertson said...

I sure love the videos where we can hear Abby talking. She has such a sweet voice.