Friday, August 20, 2010


Denna is a superstar. That is the only appropriate word for people who wake up early, go find fresh blackberries growing in the forest, and then come home and make you pancakes to go with them.

She's even got the thorn scratches to prove it!

I think we've eaten about hundred of the plums she's collected.

And what she can't find in nature she'll buy at the store. Lucky us!


Jessica said...

How will you survive when she leaves and WHY would she want to leave?

Callicott Family said...

I used to go blackberry picking in Germany all the time. They are awesome with meringues (usually at the bakerei). Yum! Those desserts look sooo good.

Sommer Family said...

Can you possible mail any of that to El Paso? Send Denna as well! I finally caught up on the blog and loved every post. In fact, I may be coping one as a means of catching up on my own summer blogging. You are all super stars!

Sarah said...

Denna IS a superstar, even as an aunt! :0)

Denna Le Lyman-Robertson said...

I am really missing those yummy pastries

Jill May said...

Oh my goodness! that last picture makes me miss Europe so much! I am going to have to go drop a ton of yen on some teeny tiny Japanese pastries now....