Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Too Much Information

Here's a little too much information -- I love to breastfeed. I never got the chance to breastfeed Abby and it always made me a little sad. There is something so satisfying about hearing your baby cry and having exactly what you need to comfort him. Nothing needs to be prepared, you don't have to sterilize anything or heat anything up. All you need is a comfy bench.

At first I was pretty nervous about where it would be appropriate to feed Oliver and how other people would react. Now I don't think twice about it. From Sacrament meeting to World Heritage Sights -- Oliver and I have tackled them all.

That being said, having to watch what I eat and limit my coke intake has been a bummer. I've got one gassy monkey and need to make sure my milk isn't causing him any tummy rumbles.

I call this look "the drunken sailor." It usually comes at the end of the meal when he's half asleep and has milk running all over his cheeks and down his sleeper.

Here's a random photo of Oliver sleep walking on -- what once was -- the Berlin wall. That's my sweet ride parked on the Berlin wall behind me.


Anonymous said...

You're so awesome! I'm not going to lie- breastfeeding makes me nervous. But we'll tackle that obstacle when the time comes lol.
Ollie is so cute! I love the drunkin sailor (and Derrick loves his bib haha)

Jessica said...

I am so thrilled that b-feeding is such a great experience for you! I hope that this little gal will afford me that luxury so I am not strapped to a pump instead. Looks like you are both doing well and looking so great! I never watched what I ate or drank when I pumped--maybe that was jerky.

Leticia Watson said...

Hee, hee. What a great picture! And way to push the TMI barriers. I wish more people talked about breastfeeding. I didn't realize how involved it can be until I started doing it myself. For some people it comes so easily but for me was a heck of a ride. It's going well now though. Glad to see you're doing so great! You look awesome!

Sommer Family said...

He is so darling, and you look fabulous!

The Johnsons said...

his hair is SO awesome! And I love breastfeeding too. When my kids are just a little older I don't even bother with a blanket and can still keep things covered...unless guys are around...for there sake the blanket helps :)

Jill said...

Denise, I found your blog, and it is awesome! I love reading about your adventures and what your mind is thinking about while they are happening. You totally crack me up, because often your version of events is so close to how I felt in similar situations.

And I'm loving the pictures of Oliver. I think I have a little crush on him. Thanks for letting me hang with him on Tuesday.

Being Ausmus said...

Heck yeah girl...you breast feed that boy where ever you can!!!! Ok...seriously I"m in awe of how gorgeous he is!!! And am way impressed with how much weight you've lost already!!!! You look awesome D!!!!!! Ugh, I miss you!!!

Holly said...

LOVE the drunken sailor. That kid is SO adorable and I want a turn at kissing those delish cheeks!

Crystal said...

How did I miss this post? I absolutely live breast-feeding too. I love the ease and just the other day when Riley was super cranky I said to him "this is the time I miss just making you feel better with breast feeding!" I love the drunk look babies get, too. It's just too cute.

Jill May said...

Yay! I'm so glad you posted about this! I'm so happy that breastfeeding is going well with little Ollie. I found it to be incredibly satisfying and convenient as well. I actually had some pretty blue days after I had to stop, but the mastitis was unbearable and it would have been masochistic to keep going. BTW, LOVE the fall leaves! We are still waiting on them out here!