Friday, January 14, 2011

Random Thought Wrap Up

I imagine you are wondering what was on my mind last week. Ponder no further. Random photos with random thoughts can be found below....

I wonder why the military would even bother with torture techniques like water boarding. All they need to do is put a terrorist in a car with a screaming baby and a whining toddler for 1o minutes and they will spill every single secret they know to be released.

Abby speaks German for about an hour after she returns from school. Lately she's been singing a lot of words that sound like she's swearing. They're pretty heavy on the "C" and "B" words that just grate at my soul. Jeremy says they're legit, but I'm not sure I'm buying that ditty. I don't know if I should give her a hug for being so smart or wash her mouth out with soap for talking like a sailor.

Oliver doesn't take bottles, but that doesn't stop us from trying them every once and a while just in case he changes his mind. Abby loves to finish off whatever he leaves behind, which just makes me cringe inside. Oliver drinks it all day long and it doesn't bother me. I have no idea why it creeps me out when Abby does. I mixed his baby rice with it and without thinking the other day I tasted his rice. For the record, breast milk and rice could be quite delightful with some cinnamon and shredded apples in it.

Check out this gingerbread Reichstag my friend made for Christmas. Mad skills.

I can't get enough of this photo of the kiddos kicking it with Brother Wong. I wonder if he missed us yet.

Remember the old-school classic Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? This elf was a misfit because he wanted to be a dentist. I would think he was a misfit because all the other elves were bald and he clearly spent two hours every morning getting the perfect wave in his bangs. Not to mention the fact he waxes his eyebrows until they are 1 cm to short and arched like a rainbow. Maybe it's just me...

Isn't anyone else concerned that Santa looks like he's been purging his holiday snacks?

Germans do NOT tolerate any sort of environmental unfriendliness -- they don't salt their roads, warm/cool their houses, use a lot of trash, or drive huge cars. I do. Yesterday I left my car running while I was waiting for my friend to leave her apartment, which is a HUGE no no. It only took about five minutes for someone to come down and tell me to shut off my car. Keep in mind it is winter here and I have an infant in the car. I was pointing at Oliver while he was pointing at the sky and trees. Needless to say, I shut off the car to make him go away and he watched from his window to make sure it stayed off.

It's amazing to me that Oliver couldn't get this huge piece of paper in his mouth....

These fireworks were awesome, but I couldn't stop thinking that I was in the middle of WW2 the whole time. I have no idea how the kids slept through this!


Aunt Kim said...

Super fun blog! Love the pictures and video of little Oliver - off to find some brown paper :) Call me sometime!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he yelled at you to turn your car off! That made me laugh. Crazy Germans...

Jill May said...

Cliff and I just love reading your blog. You totally crack us up. Oliver has got to be the cutest baby boy I have ever seen ever. Ever.