Thursday, February 17, 2011

Helmet Envy

Abby had two days off from her preschool this week, so we went downtown Berlin for some sweet action. Of course, that meant LEGOLAND!

We brought along some friends who had never been there.

Before you all send me nasty emails about letting my kid swim with sharks.... I'll have you know that he was supported by a re-enforced lego platform inside the mouth and my vice-like grip while 'swimming.' Plus, he's wearing a helmet -- hello!

Oliver got the okay to go in the Bjorn for the trip. Sweet progress. Check out his mad focus at the motor boat pond. Abs is such a pro at this part of the museum.

No pregnant lego mothers are allowed on this sweet ride. Aw, snap.

I'm not sure who are the bigger monkeys....

Abs was NOT down for a family photo.

Here she is getting her "roar" on.

Oliver was fascinated by this dudes 'helmet.' You can almost see him coveting their newer-solid-top version. He's probably wondering why these dudes got to go on an adventure with their hats and he only got to ride around in the Bjorn with his. It's always fun to find other people with your same sense of style.

Oliver was not the least bit concerned that I left him to fend for himself against this giant spider. He's pretty chill about monster-sized insects.

He survived!


Cassandra Hill said...

That looks so fun!! My kids would absolutely love that place. Those are some awesome photos!

Jill May said...

I know I say this all the time on your blog, but Oliver is just too darn cute for words. He is such a beautiful baby. Cliff and I are still laughing about Abby wanting to "cut his finger." You have got two of the funniest/ cutest kids ever!

Gotta Move! said...

What a fun adventure! Lego Land. Douglas would have loved that, he was always into the legos.

Jeremy said...

Wow, I almost don't even recognize the little one; is that the same kid I left at home!?!

Aunt Kim said...

LOVE the creative pictures of the kids and the awesome lego structures! I can't wait to show Reese and Aaron tomorrow - way cool! Ollie has the grandest smile ever! xoxo

Jessica said...

I want to hire you for photography comments on my blog. What is your rate? Love you!