Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Samurai Students

Recently I read an interesting article debating whether or not guns should be allowed on school campuses. If you know me at all, you already know how I feel on this issue. A man they interviewed, Oda, started off with some great thoughts. Near the end of the article it became apparent that he either does drugs or plays WAY too many video games.

“Oda said banning guns on campus might do more harm than good. He said people bent on violence might resort to other, perhaps bloodier methods, such as swords. "A person that's got skill with a sword in a very big crowd could put a lot more people down with a sword than a gun," he said. "They're silent. You'll have people screaming, but nobody knows what's going on."

Sure swords aren’t as loud as guns, but don’t you think they are a little more obvious to carry around? Who isn’t going to see the “crazy guy with the sword” coming a mile away?

1 comment:

A Friend's Perspective said...

Did I ever tell you we had a 'tour guide' at the Forbidden City named Sword?! He named himself. I suppose HE could be quiet and unnoticed in a crowd. But probably not inflict much damage. :)