Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ah, Lent. The modern day sacrifice of something we love to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. A subtle remider of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert being tempted by Satan.

The decisions, the willpower, the wonderful Catholic tradition -- that somehow, this year, I found myself a part of. Thanks to my neighoubor, Kristen "I wanted to be a nun" Schell, I was snaggled into supporting her Lent with a little ditty of my own.

I know. I know. I'm Mormon. The "life-time of Lent" religion. Most of the things most "Lenters" sacrifice -- drinking, dating, swearing, smoking, buying stuff on Sunday, coffee, tea, etc -- we're already not allowed to do at anytime. It's all lent, all the time, with no Marti Gras to make up for it! We're not even allowed to pick new things every year. The Lent-list, with all its joys, goes on eternally. Or at least until heaven, where I've convinced myself I'll be allowed to drink again.

But I digress....

So what did I -- and Jeremy and Abby by default -- sacrifice this year for Lent? Our fancy new 50-inch plasma TV. For the next 40 days, my BFF (the TV) won't be on from 7-7 Monday to Friday, which gives us just enough time at night to watch the news and hit the sack by 8. Party on, oldtimers. I figure Saturdays and Sundays don't really count because we're never here anyway.

So feel free to call or email me over the next 40 days. If I miss your call I'll probably be outside drawing pictures in the sand with a stick. Rebel yell.
Jeremy's actual TV from the Panasonic website. The only difference being this one is on and ours is not.



Crystal said...

You are a really good friend. Really. Wow.

Now, does watching tv on the computer count?

Denise said...

Jeremy says it does. When I tried to watch You Tube the other day he said I was splitting hairs.

Eden said...

Good for you guys! Joel and I have done those tv-free weeks in the past, and I've always enjoyed it--helps to set better habits(its more work though). And we recently have removed the tv from our room--its been an adjustment, but I love not having it in there. I miss you guys!!!!