Monday, June 21, 2010

Aaron William

Here is my new nephew, Aaron William McQueen.

He was born at 6:25 AM, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces, 20 inches long.

Isn't he the cutest? I am so in love.


Callicott Family said...

Cute! I love getting new nephews. I've also had two friends give birth in the past two weeks. So fun. Can't wait to see your new baby!

Being Ausmus said...

What a fun that you both had girls and now are both having boys so close together! Destined to be the best of cousins:)!!!
Congrats Kim:)!!!!

Sarah said...

For a minute there I thought that YOU'd already had your baby! In any case, he IS so cute!! :0)

Jessica said...

How perfect that your baby boy will have a boy cousins his age!