Thursday, January 27, 2011

Street Cred

Here is the short version of a long story. When Oliver came home for the hospital he only liked to look one way. It didn't matter if the world was ending on the right side of his head, he was only concerned with the happenings to the left. We tried everything to make him look the other way -- moving his car seat, putting him facing the other way in the crib, getting a therapeutic pillow, etc. It didn't work.

So he developed a super sweet flat spot on the side of his head, which pushed the left side of his face and his ear forward. It became clear that the muscles in his neck that he wasn't using were becoming underdeveloped. He was falling behind in his milestone markers and was having problems lifting his head on his tummy and holding his head up when unsupported. It doesn't help that that kid has the world's largest head to begin with.

We've been going to physical therapy twice a week since Nov, and things have gotten better but he's still taking his sweet merry time. He can now look in both directions! Bless his heart! The only way he is going to be able to fix his underdeveloped muscles is to USE them himself in a gentle controlled manner -- so the therapist put her foot down on anything that doesn't support his neck like the Bumbo, exersaucer, high chair, sitting up in my lap, facing forward in the Bjorn, sitting upright in the stroller, etc. I totally disobeyed her orders so I could get a few quick shots of him for this blog!

He needs to be laying on his back -- all the time -- attempting to roll, reach, stretch and raise his head. He can't have tummy time anymore because his muscles are not strong enough to lift up his massive head and it just pulls his muscles instead of strengthening them.

We also had to shave his FANTASTIC curly and wild locks.....

... so he could get this badass helmet. Sorry for the swears but this thing has some serious street cred to it. I'm going to bedazzle it with some stickers as soon as I get the okay from the doctor.

I love these photos of him waiting for his helmet. He's totally digging this bee thing.

He knows he looks good with his new shaved head.

Abby really wanted a helmet too, but instead she got a popsicle.

I'm sure she'll get over the disappointment soon enough!


Pamela said...

I love his shaved head!! Cutest picture I have ever seen!

Jill May said...

Awww! I was so sad when I heard you had to shave his head until I saw the picture!! What a stud! He looks great and I'm sure he is going to be a head swiveling madman in no time!

Callicott Family said...

I can't decide if I like his hair long or short. Both cute!

Jeremy said...

I like the shaved head too! He looks more and more like his dadddy everyday.

Cassandra Hill said...

Oh my goodness - his hair!! I loved his long curls, but he is still so handsome, Denise. That helmet is something else. Never a dull moment in parenting!

Jessica said...

He looks adorable both with and without those awesome curls! I hope he is adjusting to his helmet okay. Why does being a baby babe have to be so dang tough?

Anonymous said...

As much as I LOVE his curls, he looks great with a shaved head too! Looks alot like Jeremy that way as well. Hope his muscles get nice and strong! Good luck Oliver! :)

Being Ausmus said...

I loved those curls but I must say I'm in love with the shaved head look! His cute little face just pops out more!!! If anyone can work a helmet its little Ollie:)!!! xo