Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Since we were going home for Christmas this year, we attempted to fit as many Christmas markets as we could into the first advent week. We even made a trip down to Dresden -- a city that was literally obliterated during WW2. What was left is stunning. I'd love to go back sometime without children :)

Dora the Explorer goes everywhere we go. Like a thorn in my side, I am bothered by her high-pitched nasal squeals and obnoxious hand waving. I'd like to see Swiper punch in the face just one time.

It was freezing, so both kids were content to sleep in the stroller covered with blankets. I borrowed this awesome coat from my friend. I am always so unprepared.

Ontario burger steakhouse. Yes, please! 

This dude hand cranks the swings. This leads me to wonder: does he have one really strong and large right arm and one wimpy small and slender left arm?  Does his body lean towards the heavier arm? Does he fall to the left when he does push ups? Nobody else seemed bothered by this. What's wrong with them?

Here are two (of the 20) random videos I took this week. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Aunt Kim said...

My kids are going to have sooo much fun playing with your's soon!!! Why does that Merry-go-round have a stair case??? I can totally foresee someone tumbling down that! Yikes! Awesome vacation. Greg is going to be so jealous when I show him your beautiful pictures!