Friday, December 01, 2006

09/27 – You Don’t Need a Jet, Benny

Oh, Moses. I thought we worked out our “problems” yesterday. And yet, you tried again. Had I not been so quick on my hand shield I would have needed another bath this morning. I know you’re hilarious, but it’s not needed. Thanks for keeping your pee to yourself hence further.

I should really give Moses a break. We found out he is suffering from a chest infection. He has bigger concerns than peeing on me. Baracca also has a chest infection and malaria.

Everyone is sick. This led me to have a mini breakdown this morning. I walked into the room and everyone was crying, arms in the air, wanting love and comfort. Clearly I couldn’t decide who was hurting the most. It was depressing and heartbreaking. All I could do was sit on the chair and cry myself. It seems selfish, but I really wanted my mom. After about a minute I was able to gather myself together and start my job. I would like to say the tears stopped but they didn’t. It was a cry-off and today I was winning.

Televangelists are all the rage here. One that really steams me up is named Benny; he cures people by touching them on the head and having them fall over. Even though he makes a fortune working and living in America, he needs impoverished people to each send a dollar so he can buy a jet to heal more people in quicker. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Sally calls the whole scenario Benny and the Jet, which makes me laugh no matter how many times she says it. She also refers to our whole vacation as bacteria boot camp. She seriously is the funniest person I have ever met.

Today my bra broke. I was stupid enough to only bring one so this was a huge issue. I was able to keep it together with some elastics and metal. I’m not going to lie; it didn’t feel or look too pretty. Good thing there isn’t a fashion show at the end of this vacation.

The school I was in the slum has been driving me nuts. I figure there has to be something I can do to help. Today I went over to evaluate their needs and see what kind of financial commitment it would be to make a difference there. I tried to stay in the shadows to see them in their natural environment. I knew that as soon as they saw us they would put on a show. They love to sing and dance for visitors, something I love, but it wouldn’t help us at the moment. They seem to need everything. I made some notes and set up an appointment to meet with the head teacher tomorrow.

For a little fun, Andy, Justin, Sally, Tara and I headed down to Safari Park for some American cuisine and a boatload of fun. Those guys are hilarious and always a joy to be around, especially when Justin puts on lipstick – it’s a long story. Andy is conservative and Justin likes to party. They are like the Odd Couple roommates but get along great. I think it is grand are staying six months to making a difference here. We all shared a ton of laughs. It felt nice to be out with other foreigners sharing our experiences, concerns and successes.

Tara, Sally and I are spending more and more time together. They really have been a defining part of me loving this place. It’s meeting people like this that make volunteering an absolute joy. I’ll be sad to leave them at the end of this adventure.

On the way home a kid jumped out at me from the dark and I nearly crapped my pants. I almost punched him in the face. Instead I screamed extremely loud and ran. Who does that?

It turns out we missed dinner and Lucy was pretty ticked at us. At first we got the silent treatment and then we got a huge lecture about wasting food. I promised her that we would eat it for breakfast and it wouldn’t go to waste. I got “the look” from her. I don’t think we’ve heard the end of this.

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