Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Rainy Day Fun

There was a nasty Typhoon yesterday, so we spent the whole day inside. Needless to say, we had to make our own fun.

Abs loves this '70s-style pimp tracksuit we got from our friend Lisa. It's probably the only time she's happy to keep her clothes on.

She loves to lay a trail of goldfish around the house for the dogs to follow.

Beth got a little fresh with Abby's stuffed dog.

Whispering sweet nothings into his ear...

Camping out in the ball pit.

Rain, rain GO AWAY!


Jeremy said...

That suit looks like something right out of Justin Stubb's closet. I think he has the matching one.

"If it were socially acceptable I'd drape myself in velvet." A gold star to the person that posts the reference for that quote.

Being Ausmus said...

Abby has a ball pit INSIDE THE HOUSE??? That girl has everything!!! PS that pimp suit is sooooo awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

haha she's like Hanzel and Gretel leaving a trail like that haha.
She's so cute Denise. I LOVE the track suit! I would TOTALLY wear one with her :)

P.S. Isn't the quote from BigJ from Seinfeld??? I'm pretty sure George said that in the label maker episode lol

The Johnsons said...

I had a great time reviewing your summer posts...I really wish I could have joined you on Mount Fuji...that kind of thing is right up my alley. Have your shins ever recovered?? Abby is so cute she reminds me a lot of Owen and he keeps me pretty busy. We're not getting a lot of invites either :) But he is cute and very entertaining. When do you head to Germany?

Jena said...

That was a fun journey through your blog. You are so good at keeping us updated. It rains a lot here. But at least we can go outside with our umbrella's and rain boots. We aren't going to get blown away by a typhoon!

Eden said...

I'm with you guys--BOO on the rain!

Telitaadams said...

I love the picture at the top of your blog. It looks like Abby is out for the kill. :) Hope this finds you well, my friend! Leticia