Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tag Team Puking

You are probably expecting a loving and tender blog post all about missing my man. Sorry, wrong blog. I set up a private one so that we could revel in all the mush and gush that comes with having a loved one away. I thought I would spare you all my whining about missing him so bad I can hardly breathe. You're welcome.

That being said, I hope he'll post some interesting things about what he's doing on this blog for people who would like to follow along on his adventure. If he can't access this website there I will do it for him :)

The flu bug is going around Berlin, so goodness knows it found its way to our house the day after Jeremy left. Both Abby and Oliver were up from 12-4AM tag team puking on everything we own. I literally ran out of blankets and sheets to put on Abby's bed. I solved that problem by putting blankets all over the floor and giving her permission to lean over the railing on her bed and puke directly on the floor. She also got a dose of Tylenol to curb the fever, which caused everything she puked on to be covered in a awesome florescent pink. Sweet mother of pearl -- thank heaven above I was spared and was able to succor one while yelling support to other.

Needless to say, I'm super tired but wanted to upload some fun photos with short captions.

When I asked Oliver to be an overachiever I should have been more specific.

Sometimes life is so hard you just have to put your head down on the Bumbo and cry about it.

Were the heck is all this wind coming from?

Abby's saying, "Is he still looking at me? I don't want to turn my head and make direct contact."

They are both saying, "what kind of mother puts their kids on the stove for a photo op?

Oliver is saying, "Dear magical light switch, please give me a sister kind enough to share her pringles."

Big hugs for everyone!

You are never getting my pringles. Rat me out and I'm going to Thelma and Louise your Bumbo over the edge of the counter top.

What are the chances Abby is going to hit me in the head with that window?

I let Abby play outside the day after the puke off. We ALL needed the fresh air. Oliver had no choice but to kick it in his car seat while we lived it up. At least we moved him around the yard with us!

Abby is obsessed with wearing her church shoes. It was Sunday, so who was I to call it inappropriate.

Nothing like sitting on your brother's head to get the perfect photo.

Man I love these furry cute balls.

Who says you can't find joy in a car seat?


Aunt KIm said...

I haven't had to deal with my own kids vomiting yet (knock on wood). Sounds like h@!! What a way to begin the next few months without Jeremy. I am sure he can afford some professional cleaners come in and steam your floors :) I think you should grow Oliver's hair out so he has the real Canadian hockey players hair - that would be awesome! Glad to see the kids smiling and looking healthy (the pictures of them playing outside anyways). I would love to see how crappy and exhausted you must be looking - oh brother! Hopefully you guys have kicked the illness bug and will have a full bill of health for the rest of 2011. How many diapers did you go through with Oliver during all that? YIKES!!!! XOXO

Jessica said...

That was one sweet blow-out! Bless you for going through a night of vomit SOLO. Oh man. It has really begun, hasn't it? Your captions are the best--can you add them to my blog?

Sarah said...

Oh man are one trooper! And I love how you can still find humor in it all :0) You crack me up AND remind me to not take life too seriously!

The Johnsons said...

I've been trying to catch up a bit with blogging the past few days and wow, Oliver's hair is awesome!! Van has been doing some "overachieving" himself. :) I've often wondered why if they can make a phone that can unlock a car from miles and miles away...or make a miniature car that functions that is the size of a pin head...why those scientists can't dream up a diaper that actually keeps the poop in! Can Jeremy do anything about that...he holds a lot of sway in the universe doesn't he :)

Jill said...

"Rat me out and I'm going to Thelma and Louise your Bumbo over the edge of the counter top."

Best sentence ever!

Callicott Family said...

I love that you took the time to photograph the blowout. It's all about priorities!

Denna Le Lyman-Robertson said...

Love the sticker face photo!