Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I took my mom to Prague when she came to visit. It was our first European road trip. I was a little apprehensive taking Oliver, but he rocked it like a champion. Abby is always great in the car and this trip was no exception.

Prague is AMAZING. A must see for anyone coming to Europe.

My first though of Prague was: wow, this place is old. My second thought was: this reminds me so much of Epcot Center at Disney World. That place has ruined me. Every time I see something for real it always looks fake because Disney did it so much better.

I had way too many photos to try to organize so they are not in any order. I tried to caption them as best I could.

Note: You're probably wondering why my mom isn't in any photos. She wouldn't let me blog anything about her until she got home just in case some people wanted to break into her house while she was gone to steal her miniatures and country crafts. Insert your own joke here_______.

This was our hotel. It was a bed and breakfast. Totally fun.

The hotel had a separate mom's room in our room. That was great.

The street our hotel was on.

The Palace

This was from St. Vitus Cathedral on the palace grounds.

Love the bones-in-my-fireplace look.

Fun buildings around town.

The Prague countryside.

Around the palace.

St. Vitus Cathedral

A view from the palace.

The Church of Our Lady.

The old clock tower. A soldier would come out and blow his trumpet on the hour. Abby LOVED it.

Some fun pictures of Jeremy cuddling with the kids. There was an extremely drunk man doing beggar karaoke on the street. I just had to stop and listen.

The view from Charles Bridge.


Jill said...

Prague is sooooo awwwwwesome!! Loved all your pics!

Eden said...

That looks absolutely unbelievable! I've always heard that Prague is the best city to visit in Europe, now I know why. How long were you guys there? I'll have to link this post to my sister and her husband-- he went there on his mission. Thanks for sharing!

Being Ausmus said...

Ok seriously Gorgeous!!! What a place!!! Man I have to come visit you!!! Denise AND Europe I just don't think you get better than that!!!!
Ps. I don't blame your mom...she does have quite a collection:)
PPS. You're losing your baby weight sooooo fast!!! You look really great D!!!

Cassandra Hill said...

Beautiful! Love the photos! How amazing is it that you and your family have these opportunities to travel and see the world while you are so young! Awesome!