Saturday, June 04, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

It was one year ago that we moved to Germany from Japan. Although we miss Japan terribly, we love our new host country. One of my favorite things, by far, is having my own fenced-in yard with fruit trees. Someday I'll learn how to preserve/can/bake.

I had no idea this was a cherry tree until Abby pointed it out. The neighbor beside us has a HUGE one, and I've been so busy shoving my face with its goodness that I overlooked our tree.

We also had (notice the past tense) awesome strawberry plants. Abby's friend climbed to the top of this wall and slid down yesterday. Goodbye cute plants and yummy fruit :(

This is after I met up with some of my awesome friends for an Ikea dinner celebration. I scarcely post pictures of myself on this blog, so enjoy this rare gem.

Nothing beats a rainy day like painting in the bathtub -- over two hours wasted. Oliver was more than content to play with whatever Abby was kind enough to throw overboard. I lounged on the floor in my pajamas reading a book. Fun day had by all (except the house cleaner!)

Lesley was kind enough to come and babysit Abby while I went to Ikea. I love seeing the results of all their adventures on the carport.

My book club ladies! We decided to do a discussion over dinner for the last meeting of the season. I am so happy that the four of us are diligent at both reading the book and attending the meetings. You have no idea how often one of those important components are missing!

I heart thin crust pizza. It's divine.

Isn't Abby the BEST dancer ever? So. Stinking. Cute.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Whoa cowgirl! I wonder where those awesome moves come from?