Sunday, August 21, 2011

We Got Issues

We've been having some sleeping issues around our house lately. For the past three months or so, Oliver has started getting up 2-4 times a night and has made five his new rise-and-shine. That wouldn't be the end of the world, but he refuses to nap for more than 20 minutes twice a day. He is taking the lack of sleep like a trooper. I, on the other hand, am a raging, overtired, impatient, ball of exhaustion.

This is a huge improvement from the first eight months -- he would only sleep in the car, stroller, or in my arms. He wanted to breastfeed the WHOLE time he was sleeping, and would scream and scream if I had the audacity to put him in his crib. Now I can put him in his crib awake at bedtime and he conks right out until about 12 when it turns into party time.

Abby was revolutionized by the book: Happy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby by Marc Weissbluth. She quickly took to the plan and become a well-rested, happy baby by day two. I swear it is the reason she is still an amazing sleeper -- she can pass out anywhere, anytime for 12 hours straight. We tried that method with Oliver and it was a big fat fail.

Tomorrow night we begin the Ferber method. It's a first for us, but I'm super hopeful. Keep your fingers crossed!

We can cross eating off the issues list! Oliver is now pounding puffs like a champion. This week he ate some chunky baby food, a baby cracker, some ice cream, a few Cheerios, and a piece of a mashed banana. He even drank some apple juice from a sippy cup.

My cup runneth over.....

If it's possible to be allergic to mosquitoes then Abby is! She breaks out in horrible rashes around each bite.

This is a day or two after a bite on her face. Her eye is still black and puffy.

Her ankle was so puffy and red that it looked like she fell off her bike. You can only imagine how awesome they looked after she started itching....

It is hard not to spoil my sweet Ollie. We're almost certain he's our last, so I find myself giving him just one more of everything. I can get up with him one more night. I can nurse him just one more month. I can puree his baby food for one extra minute because that's his favorite texture. I can run with him in the stroller if he likes to sleep while moving.

As my mother-in-law would say, "you have to stop letting him drive the bus."

But then he bats those long lashes and stares me down with those big brown eyes....

and I can't say no. I just can't. Good thing dad's home. I'm a sucker.


Crystal said...

He looks like a kid now! He's growing so big, so fast! So yeah, I can see why you would give into his adorable little face. :)

The Doughracle said...

Denise, I can only imagine how exhausted you must be! Poor you. I hope Ollie gets onto a new sleeping routine soon, one that lets you both get the rest you need! Here's to hoping William stays a good sleeper so I can retain my sanity! :)
He is super duper cute though, I totally understand all the extra goodness he gets :)

Jill May said...

Wow. Oliver sounds JUST like Lilia. I thought there was something wrong with me and the way I was parenting, but I Ivy is already a better sleeper than Lilia and she was just born that way. We were given that same book (healthy happy sleepy baby, or whatever...) and I threw it across the living room in frustration because it just didn't work for us. At 7 months we finally did "cry it out" with Lilia and after three awful days she became a dream baby! We could lay her down awake and she would smile at us and drift off to sleep. The only problems we encountered after that initial "cry it out" were that every time we changed the routine in a dramatic way, (i.e. vacations, voluntary departure of dependents,living with parents for a few months, moving to a new home...) We had to start over with the sleep training. We finally have Lilia back to falling asleep on her own, (and in a big girl bed too!!) but it took a lot of work and resolve and patience. We have just come to accept that she is a tough cookie when it comes to sleep and routine is our best friend. I wish you all the best of luck!! What finally got us going was the realization that Mommy and Daddy need their sleep too and desperate times call for desperate measures. I think I am a better mother for it and that Lilia is a happier kid. Stick with it! You can do it! Sorry for the novel!!

Sarah said...

Oh man, I don't know if it's having a son or if it happens with the second child, but I am such a softy with Alexander! As for the sleep issues... I hope your new method turns out. Being sleep deprived is NO FUN!

Jessica said...

I absolutely feel you. Sleep training is for the birds. I hate it and I wish all kids could sleep like Abby. Good luck with Oliver. When I'm not doing the 'she's my last and I can tolerate one more late night' then I have definitely embraced the parenting style of 'close the door and walk away.' The things we learn.

Gotta Move! said...

Oh Denise - I am so sorry that I can't be there to spell you off for a much needed nap. I am sure Holly is getting a lot more sleep with twins than you are with just one little guy. You are always in our prayers. One more request coming right up to our Higher Power.

Sommer Family said...

He is so darling. Good luck. May the force be with you!

Telitaadams said...

Denise, Oliver sounds like Emma .. she took 20-minute naps, didn't like to transfer out of my arms, woke up at all hours at night and it drove me CRAZY. I read and read and finally "The Baby Whisperer's" pick-up, put-down method in combo with some ideas from Healthy Sleep Habits and No Cry Sleep Solution worked for us. If Feber doesn't work maybe it's worth a try if you're looking for more ideas. Good luck, Denise. Who would have thought sleep could be such a huge issue for babies. Here's to hoping for a rested mommy & baby!

Tiffany Ashton said...

It is possible to be allergic to mosquitoes. I am allergic. I have the same reaction. I have a prescription for prednsone (sp?). I take it when I first realize that I have been bit, and it will greatly reduce the reaction. On another note, I just have to tell you that Ollie I adorable!!!!!!!