Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Sprinklers

It was another beautiful day on Saturday, so we took out the lawn sprinkler and let Abby at it.

Abby was pretty skeptical at first. She was only interested in playing in one spigot of water and ignored the other 20 sprayers. It would have been a lot cheaper to just let her play with the hose at this point.
Unfortunately hose water is crazy freezing. Anytime the water would touch her she would SCREAM with anger and then clench her fists and chatter her teeth.

It took her quite a while to gain the courage to go in for a round two.

Abby was all about drinking the water instead of playing with it.

Finally my sweet pea went for the gold and jumped right into chaos.....

But only after she manipulated me into getting her a sheet to stand on because she hates grass to touch her feet. Not at all high maintenance :)


Being Ausmus said...

I think we have the same sprinkler and Jacob reacted the same way...just one at a disappointing!!! Don't they realize we live vicariously through them!!! Although no sheets were needed that boy would sleep in the grass if we let him.
PS. love the downloading conference/book idea!

Eden said...

I feel your pain Abby, the water IS freezing, and grass can be so bothersome at times!

Aunt Kim said...

She is getting so old! I would love to watch her play!

Jena said...

Oh how lovely. I adore sprinklers and stuff. Summer time is gorgeous, don't you think darling?

(I was so trying to sound sophisticated. I don't think it worked...)

Being Ausmus said...

Ummm way too long since you've posted on here...I want to see your trip girl!!!! Missin you!!!!