Sunday, October 24, 2010

48 Hours....

It is already dang cold in Germany. I'm told that during the winter months the sun sets at 4 and doesn't rise until 8 the next morning, which I'm sure gets pretty depressing. They compensate for the cold and dark days by creating tons of fun indoor playgrounds for children. Some of them are pretty amazing. The one we went to this week had four floors worth of entertainment -- indoor trampolines, carousels, go carting, climbing maze, balloon bouncy castles, etc.

We found this sweet mother of goodness on floor three of the Bamboo indoor playground:

I was a little hesitant to let Abby come here (she just fractured her finger two days before), but my little guilty heart couldn't fracture her finger and break her heart all in one week. I knew that she would dive right in and I wouldn't need to worry about her getting scared, lost or stuck.

Abby managed to rock this jungle gym with one working hand; although she kept getting a scolding for pulling parts of her bandage and splints over the side.

Oliver was happy to hang back and breastfeed the whole time. Going out in public makes my little boy so hungry.

She even manipulated me into buying her lots of sugar. That girl is good.

Abby took on this slide like a champion. She is either going to win the Nobel Prize or join the circus. There is no in between.

Oliver spent Saturday chillin' like a villain in his vibrating chair.

I should have been more specific about where I wanted Abby to go for her nap.

And I probably should have let her know I would not appreciate her putting on all my makeup while she's "sleeping." She looks like a serious junkie with all that makeup -- not to mention I found her trying desperately to get into her children's Tylenol.

I'm going to leave this junk on and make her go as Batman for Halloween. That will teach her.

Watch your infant boys because there is a cougar on the loose!


Anonymous said...

My goodness she is such a strong girl! There is no stopping her and I admire that. Those indoor playhouses look so fun!

Crystal said...

Best nap spot ever. Did you use it as a teaching moment to discuss all the times you've fallen asleep in a bathroom? Oh, is it just me that's done that? Stop posting. It makes me miss you.

Jeremy said...

Dang my kids are cute!

Jessica said...

This may be in my top five favorite Denise posts. You are seriously the funniest blogger I know.

Eden said...

I just want to snuggle Olivers cheeks! Abby is so fun, I'm so glad she's got such an awesome personality-- she's going to be a funny one!

Being Ausmus said...

Oh my many things...first when I read "sweet mother of goodness" I just had to chuckle...only you would say that! Miss you loads!!! Those shots of Ollie in his vibrating chair...oh my heaven's he's gorgeous!!! Bathroom naptime...HILARIOUS!!! Make-up...somehow also hilarious when its not happening to me:) Thank goodness for blogs...when these horrible things happen to us now we think...ah well, this will be good blog material. And lastly...ABBY FRACTURED HER FINGER???? I've clearly missed some blogs...will go check out now...

Jena said...

I'm in love with that indoor playground. What a treat! That will definitely be a relief from the cold. We live right by a McD playground, but those give me the willies.

Abby looks like a superstar!