Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Crack

This is my friend, Kimmers. She pops up in my blog from now and then, usually after I've just returned from some exciting adventure. Right now she is in Afghanistan saving the world with her super-human powers.

Some of our past travels include: threatening to stab a person with my Swiss Army knife who was banging on our hotel door and screaming at us in India. (Our air conditioning was dripping through the roof of his house and he was FURIOUS we weren't turning it off. To our credit, if I knew that was what he was saying then I would have).

Conning our way out of a speeding ticket while driving from Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee. I also enjoyed calling her from the West Bank and telling her that I couldn't get through the checkpoint before curfew and I would have to spend the night in Bethlehem. If that was true, I probably wouldn't be alive to write this blog. I thought it was funny....

We traveled around two different parts of Japan with a newly-birthed Abigail. The standout moment was her barfing into Abby's baby blanket on the subway. No, I don't want that back.

Our last adventure had us crying our way up a seriously HUGE mountain on our four-day trek to Machu Picchu.
Kim did the last part with one eye. Take that Taliban!

It's been FAR too long since we've braved this crazy world together, so we've finally settled on a place to meet up next year and giggle like school girls.

I gave her six choices -- volunteering in an orphanage with GVN in either Honduras or Panama, white water rafting the Grand Canyon, going to a Cowboy ranch (like the movie City Slickers), mountain biking Upper Patagonia with GAP International or kayaking the islands of Belize (GAP).

She picked Belize. We're thinking of next Oct/Nov. I am so freaking excited (until I think of spending a week in my swimsuit). Who wants to come?


Anonymous said...

How cool would THAT be?! You guys will have a blast!

The Doughracle said...

This is one of the things I admire most about you (apart from your sense of humour) is your insatiable adventurousness. I can't join you (for a good reason this time) but hope you guys have a blast!