Thursday, September 21, 2006

09/16 - What Rules?

Today started in a mad panic as we slept in and was late getting to the meeting point for orientation part deux. If it wasn’t for the mad chanting of Kenya Christians holding mass in the living room – on a Saturday no less - I would have totally biffed it.

Off we went to the animal orphanage were wounded baby animals are collected and then released into the wild. We were only there for a half an hour when I demanded to get in the cage and pet the rhino. The confused African man was stunned but then showed me how to evade the fence and get in to mingle with the little giant. I don’t know who was more scared, the baby Rhino or the human tank stampeding at it. Alas, they put the kibosh on me swimming with the baby hippos. I was never a fan of rule sticklers. Don’t worry; I have tons of pictures of me harassing animals!

Then we were off to Wimpys. It is like a ghetto McDonalds with unrecognizable meat hamburgers. YUCK. Wimpys = lifetime of heartburn. They also keep the toilet paper outside of the bathroom. Genius thought process says Denise with no toilet paper.

Non-stop shopping followed. We tore up the mall. Guess who is getting African Christmas presents! I was super excited to find real ice-cream amongst the wooden crafts. I was not to thrilled to find the bug half way through. You know what they say – Hakuna Matata.

While walked around Nairobi I got into a conversation with another Mormon girl. She is really sweet. She completed the Ghana program last summer and was heading to Kenya for round two. Her parents were not too impressed that she is doing this and aren’t really speaking to her. They stink. Who wouldn’t want their kids to experience life? I guess she saves money on phone calls home. I have become her “support sponsor” and promised to check in with her.

Off we went to the airport to get my final piece of luggage. Sweet mercy; it was there! I was screaming with excitement and could have hugged the poor man who was stuck trying to undo the lock while I was screaming behind him, “I see it – WOO HOO!” I guess BO won’t have to be my signature scent after all.

Tonight we meet Lucy; she is our new Kenyan mom. She introduced herself by saying, “I am Lucy; I love people and God.” She really is a spiritual rock and has already taught me a million things I didn’t know. Charity is her slogan and boy does she mean it. I love her already.
Off to sleep…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you have your luggage. I know this blog is a week old already, but it is so much fun to keep up with your experiences. Hope you are still well.
Love you!
Utah Mom