Thursday, April 08, 2010

Hush, Little One

When Abby was little I used to pray for the days when she could talk. I couldn't wait to hear that sweet little voice and I was so excited to know what she was thinking and feeling.

I still adore our daily chitchats, but there are a few things I really wish she would stop saying. Here are my six least favorite Abby sayings:

1. "Abby pee pees in the sink"

I only permitted this once, in desperation, when Jeremy decided to clean Abby's potty and the regular toilet at the same time. Unfortunately, now she enjoys the sink to other alternatives. Sorry, but it's not going to get a replay.

2. "Birds poop on my lip"

I told her this might happen if she pouts, but she didn't quite get the message. I think she's looking forward to it.

3. "Repent!"

Glad she's remembering her nightly scripture stories, but not so happy she's calling people on it. Usually she picks the right person for the message, and most people think it's pretty funny, but I fear her memorizing the 10 commandments and making the exclamation more specific.

4. "Mommy has a rash"

Not so nice for mommy. To my credit, any scratch, acne or blush is a rash to her. People probably think I have a never-ending case of scabies.

5. "Beth eats her arm"

This is totally true, but I'm sure people at the daycare center wonders who Beth is and why we're not concerned a cannibal lives in our house. She also like to yell, "stop eating your arm" and "Beth is yucky." She's quite the bully.

6. "I put my boogie on the (chair/car seat/my clothes/in the tissue/etc)"

It's better than "guess where I put my boogie?" Perhaps I'll let this one slide. At least I have some direction on where to clean later in the day.


Crystal said...

Just a few things that I wish Ainsley wouldn't say:


Mom, I'm not going to say it again.
(She uses this one after she asks me something 10 times and I finally acknowledge her.)

I love Abby's conversations. :D

Crystal said...

They couldn't do that while we were at the park? I bet the kids would have loved it.

Cassandra Hill said...

Kids say the darndest things! These made me laugh! SO cute.

Anonymous said...

This totally made me laugh. Definitely needed. Thank you Denise and Abby for brightening my day :)

Eden said...

I have to disagree with you Denise, I actually LOVE those sayings! She is a funny one, that little Abby! I like her!

Gma Denna said...

Funny! But it could be worse. My mom always said her kids kept her humble.