Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Rules?

Oliver LOVES to sleep. He routinely gives me between 7-9 hours a night and two strong naps throughout the day. He can sleep anywhere, but is especially fond of napping in my arms, in his vibrating chair or the car seat.

While Oliver sleeps Abby 'colors.' Obviously I use that term very loosely.

Abby loves to throw things out of her playhouse more than playing with anything inside of it. Here she is throwing chalk to (or AT) the dogs.

Gracie spends a lot of time looking heaven-ward and praying for daddy to come home to stop the insanity.

Beth does a lot of hiding.

Some of the rules around the house go out the window when daddy's gone. Things like no playing on the table.

And no sitting/laying on the leather couch.

And no eating on the staircase. You can also include no leaving your room during nap time.

This is Abby using her puffer. She has had a little bronchitis for a few weeks. It doesn't get worse but doesn't seem to go away either.

These videos are seriously just for Jeremy. The first one is me trying to get Oliver to laugh, which was unsuccessful. The second one was me driving around with the kids showing him the fall leaves. Abby is totally thrilled to have come along for the ride. NOT.

1 comment:

Being Ausmus said...

Oh my gosh I love this post! I love every single part of it. Just so describes being a mom and getting through the day. Love you girl!!! One more week!!!! YIPEEEE!!!