Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Since You've Been Gone

Things have been pretty hectic over the past two weeks -- Jeremy is in America. This is our first separation since we've moved to Germany and my first time parenting solo with two kiddos. Some days are just insane, but other days are so full of tender mercies that we can't help but smile through them.

So much has happened since he's been gone.

Berlin is now bursting with fall color. These photos do its beauty no justice.

Oliver has been accompanying me on my walks with the dogs. He loves to snuggle in the Bjorn and is a huge fan of his snowsuit.

Abby HATES to wear her winter jacket, so we compromise with the puffy trucker vest in the afternoons when it gets warm enough to go outside.

Beth is getting a bath twice a week to combat her rotting flesh smell. It is seriously indescribable. She's definitely winding down but still has "the joy."

Oliver and Abby love to do everything together, even bath. Oliver had a HUGE blowout before this photo and every single one of us was covered in his poop. She is much too happy after that traumatizing experience.

Here I caught Abby trying on my dirty laundry when she should have been napping.

Just another afternoon of cooking, arts and crafts, and assorted Tom Foolery.

I woke up early this morning and caught Abby reading Oliver a book in his bed. I have no idea how she scaled the baby gate. I couldn't help but grab my camera:


Callicott Family said...

I love bathing them together. Adorable!

Sommer Family said...

Hope the insane days are decreasing. The pictures and description make life look absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

Abby and Oliver are so cute! And I love all the autumn colors. I bet it's beautiful to see it all!

Leticia said...

Oh, Wow, Denise. You're my hero doing this by yourself!

Being Ausmus said...

Ok I feel so sad that sweet Beth is winding down. I know how much you love her. I love that Oliver is sitting in a pink chair...cause Allie is in everything blue. Definitely second children:)! That video of Abby reading to Ollie is seriously priceless!!!
I'm so sorry you're there all alone holding down everything. You are simply amazing...Jeremy is a very lucky man!!! I love you!!!

Eden said...

Thank you for blogging-- I always love to see your kids :)

Jena said...

So so cute. I hope Jeremy isn't gone for too long! My remedy to staying sane without the hubby and all the kids to myself, is to stay up really late and watch girly movies. Of course, a little ben and jerry's on the side.