Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Sunny Days

What do you do when it's sunny outside? Put on your tutu and go for a swing, of course.

One must roll around in the grass and sleep in the shade.
And then eat all the yummy fruits that grow in your yard. Like the black currents:
The apples are almost ready on our tree.

My sweet landlord always wanted to plant strawberries but never got around to it when they lived here. They were kind enough to plant some for us a few days after we moved in. How awesome is that?

The plums are the perfect size but need to change color.

The cherries are perfect!
Now who wants to volunteer to come can all this goodness?

1 comment:

A Friend's Perspective said...

Oh Denise, you are so wonderful! I love reading your happenings!

Those plums are Mirabella plums and will be yellow when they are ripe. They are very mild and can be made into a great bbq sauce!! really!

Look for the 'blackberries' called Himbeer. Oh so wonderful. The best in the WORLD!

So glad you are doing well. So jealous you are in Germany!

Stay well my friend!