Tuesday, February 08, 2011

It's Go Time!

Ugh. Try not to shudder when you're staring at my awesome photo. As you can tell, the sun doesn't shine here and my pale skin glows like I'm in the freaking movie Twilight. I hope this display of almost transparency didn't ruin your week. This girl needs a serious vacation somewhere with a beach!

Okay, enough of the melodrama. I digress.....

Today is the day that I officially announce that I am leaving the whining and 'making excuses' phase of having an infant and deployed husband. I'm channeled my inner warrior and setting some goals and declaring them to the world to hold myself accountable.

Those of you who know me well, know that I am one of those insane people that delights in pushing themselves to the limit. I take New Years Resolutions like a second job and make everyone around me miserable as I complete them. I've already reached a good number of my 30 things to do before I'm 4o goals, which just simply makes my heart sing.

I am a little disappointed that no international adventures with my friend Kim made the list for obvious reasons (kayaking in Belize is next but no dates yet), or that I won't have any life changing moments -- new babies, conquering mountains, romantic getaways with my man. I guess everyone needs to take one year off to get the little-but-still-important stuff done.

Obviously, Abby and Oliver have to be priority one for the next few months, so I selected things that I could do when they were sleeping or in the evenings. After much thought and preparation, the list is finished!

Here is what I'll be doing in my 'spare' time (whatever that is!):

Completing three Beth Moore studies: David, Psalms and Esther. I doesn't sound like a lot but they take about a month a piece to complete.

Completing the Be Thou Transformed personal study program.

Completing 10 Fema classes online.

Finishing my Christmas cross stitch Santa project.

Completing 27 personal progress values (these are the 27 you can do in 2-hours or less).

Take one UMUC class: PHIL 140 Contemporary Moral Issues or HIST 157 US History Since 1865

Read all four Gospels with McConkie Commentary. (Seriously intense)

Get back up to running 5 miles at a time (thank goodness we bought a stinking treadmill).

Read General Conference (last session and the upcoming one) and get my quotes up.

My main goal this year is to lose 45 pounds. I did it after Abby and now I have to do it again. The good thing is that after Abby I was starting at 219 and after Oliver I get to start at 195. So I'm starting further down the scale, which is a nice bonus.

I love Weight Watchers and am jumping on board that wagon. I like that I can eat whatever I want in moderation and nothing is off limits. This time I am going to eat healthy instead of figuring out how much unhealthy food I can still eat and still lose weight. I'm also banning all diet food with their cancer-causing fake sugars and chemical crap, except Diet Coke. Coke keeps me from screaming nasty words at the world. Coke is a must-have.

So... here's to crossing things off my list. Cross your fingers for me!


Crystal said...

You are gonna rock those goals! I know you can do it!

Jill said...

Wow! My self-esteem took a serious hit after reading all your goals. I am so very, very impressed (and feeling like a big schmuck in comparison)!

I'm going to have to chat with you about some of the study programs you listed. I've never heard of them, but if you like them they must be good.

And, I'm so glad you understand the need for Diet Coke. If you'd sworn off Diet Coke, I don't think we could be friends anymore.

Cassandra Hill said...

Wow, you are truly an incredible person and an example to all who know you! Way to go, Denise! I'll be cheering you on from good old Canada!

Sarah said...

Denise, you're SO inspiring! Go, fight, win!! :0)

Tracy said...

You are the bomb! I applaud your "do it!" attitude! I also have some goals set while Mark is deployed. Funny, I miss UMUC! Since I just got my PMP I'll not be doing much formal studying, but I did just finish a FEMA class. Love those free, short classes! Make sure to save/print your certs! Guess what - I joined Weight Watchers yesterday! I'm liking it and I too like that I can eat 'real food'. I hate entering all my recipes to figure points though. :( A tip - listen to conference while exercising or cooking. That'll knock that one off your list fast!
Love ya!

Sommer Family said...

What everyone else said and then some! Only hold onto to those excuses of deployed husband and infant just incase someone asks you to watch their dogs or put up a strange Chinese member hitch-hiking across Europe.

The Doughracle said...

You put the rest of us to shame with your goal lists...but to even things our I'll check the baby off for the both of us this year - how about that for a sharing of things done? :)

The Johnsons said...

I have to say my favorite phrase was the "inner warrior!" I totally have days like that but unlike you I usually lose steam pretty quick!! One thing I am doing right now and will continue to do for 65 more days (I have to really praise myself for keeping motivated about anything for that long) is teaching Lucy to read. This little reading program is awesome and with whatever Early Ed. background I have I am THOROUGHLY impressed and we love it.

Jessica said...

I would feel pretty turbo if I merely survived being without a spouse for six months let alone ONE of the resolutions on your list! You are amazing. I love me some DC!

Being Ausmus said...

I know this sounds cheese but you choke me up girl. You are sooooooooooooooooooooo amazing in every way!!! I sit here wishing I had you close so that you could push me to do half those things in my down time! I love you for forever!!! xo

Eden said...

Holy Stinkin' Moses! (get it, like Moses in the scriptures--because you are going to be the scriptorian of the year) You just totally gave me some serious inspiration. I have never set out to accomplish a list like yours, so now I'm going to have to push myself, and I need it. I'll start with this--10 lbs., scriptures/conference reading every day, preparing my primary lessons better, 1 book every 2 months, and I need to read "Jesus the Christ", and journaling for my kids better. I can do it!!

Aunt Kim said...

I have no idea where you find the time or energy. My goal is to attempt to wash my hair every three to four days. I am sure my teeth could also use a good floss. You are so determined. I wish 1/8 of that would rub off on me right now. Here's to the new and improved you in 2011, even though I don't think there is anything wrong with the 2010 Denise!

Gotta Move! said...

I will share my only goals with you. Sleep more and COPE. That is it. Good luck to you. I know you can an will reach all your goals. You are inspiring to me. Think I'll go to bed now.