Monday, February 21, 2011

So Lazy

I'm too lazy to write an actual blog, so here are a few quick thoughts from my week.

Abby often wants to go out and play, even when it is -10 (like my car registered three times last week!). I usually make her wait until Oliver is taking one of his tiny naps in the late afternoon, but yesterday she was dead set on outside time being RIGHT NOW.

This was how we compromised:

For someone that couldn't look both ways as an infant, Oliver has a dead-on-smack-things-out-of-your-hands reflex. He can pull plates off tables, knock yummy treats out of your mouth, and smash you in the teeth with his helmet in a blink of an eye. I couldn't be prouder.

He loves to grab the sides of his helmet near the top of his head and shake his head back and forth. Its' almost like he's saying, "hold on to your helmet -- this is going to be awesome." Strangely, I find myself reaching up to touch my imaginary helmet some of the time. That's what happens when you don't get enough sleep....

I really need to watch my mouth around the abs. This became apparent when we went outside and she proclaimed (as loud as she could), "It's so frickin' freezing." It's hard to scold someone for telling the truth :)

This is what happened when I went to the bathroom the other day. I only did a number one, so you can imagine how fast she was able to cut these berries. So glad she choose a dull knife!

It's nearly impossible to find a hat big enough to put over Oliver's helmet. Not to mention a hat that needed rather large spaces in the top so he wouldn't overheat while wearing it. Since Oliver loves to be in his stroller, even when it's "frickin' freezing," his nanny made him this super awesome hat. Loves it!

I had a parent-teacher conference at Abby's preschool last week. I'll spare you all the details, but I did find one comment rather interesting: I need to start telling the other parents to "mind their own business." It's pretty well known that German people don't pry into other peoples business. Apparently, the teachers feel the other parents ask me too many personal questions. Questions like: Why are you living in Germany? Does Abby like speaking German? Why does your son wear a helmet? Etc. It highly offends them. They feel I am being taken advantage of because we are foreigners. They told me that if I didn't feel comfortable telling the other parents to "mind their own business" then they would tell them for me. Um, no thanks.

Speaking of asking questions... it's amazing to me how interested people are in Oliver's helmet. He gets stared at ALL the time. In fact, a person was staring at him so hard while he was in the grocery cart that she walked into me in the produce aisle. I usually just jump in and let people know what's up if they clearly looked distressed about it. One lady had the audacity to say, "Well, that must be embarrassing for you." I should have picked him up and hit her with his dang helmet. Ugh! I'm going to scrapbook him some eyes for the front with these words in capital letters: STARE A LOT? Stay tuned for photos.


Aunt Kim said...

Too funny! Olli seems to be doing great!

Cassandra Hill said...

I love seeing and hearing what you are up to! Abby's weather reports made me laugh :) And Oliver is just so cute in his exersaucer!

Jeremy said...

Man those kids are growing fast! My favorite picture is the two of them in the box. I also love how Oliver pretty much always has a huge grin on his face; I know that's only because you only post the good pictures, but it makes me believe that he is always a happy, smiley baby!

Sarah said...

I love that the woman literally ran into you. How funny :0) As for staring, you should check out my blog post, An Ode to St. Jude. I took a picture of a painting that a child cancer patient has hanging in the hospital about staring...for whatever it's worth!

Callicott Family said...

Hey, at least they are concerned for him! I have a soft spot for those crazy Germans (and Japanese too). I love Abby's handiwork. She's a quick and crafty one.

Jill May said...

Embarrassing??? I agree with your friend Jessica. Being a good mother to your child should never be embarrassing. You keep on rockin' that helmet Ollie! I love it! (Love the hat over the top of it too.) I think people are just jealous that Oliver is so much cuter than their own children.