Saturday, February 12, 2011

So Stinkin' Cute

These are the last of the hand-me-down clothes Abby received as an infant. We have been so blessed with all the second hand goodness.

My wonderful husband had some flowers and chocolates sent to me for Valentine's Day via my sweet friend Susanne. It was such an unexpected and appreciated surprise! I've been smiling all day.

Saturday is always a hard day for me. I've got both kids all day long, and things tend to get out of control around 2-3 in the afternoon. Today was nice enough that we could take the chaos outside. I've been pretty good about letting Abby pick her outfits on the weekend. Today she rocked her piggy pajamas, her spring rain boots, and her winter jacket, hat, and scarf.

Abby did this all while I was in the bathroom. She is super efficient at making messes. Someone ought to give this girl a medal!

Oliver loves when Abby blows bubbles directly in his face. She is so thoughtful.

Abs and I had a master plan to bake three dozen chocolate chip cookies for our friends for Valentine's Day. While I had my back turned, Abby added a TON of extra butter. I had no idea until....

.... the first batch of cookies came out looking like this:

Abby loved the butter-rific cookies. I bet she'll have some "issues" later this evening.

Oliver LOVES to lay directly on the hardwood floors because he can pump his legs and push himself around from one place to another. His helmet also makes a fun and inviting sound when he moves his head side to side. That is the ONLY reason I leave him so vulnerable out in the open for short periods of time during the day.

This video cracked me up, even though I should probably be a tad concerned about Abby's less-than-friendly attitude. At one point she says, "I'm going to cut your finger. Go away, Oliver." Where does she hear that stuff? It's not like I go around threatening to cut anyone I know. She doesn't watch any TV (only movies I download to the Apple TV) and I know FOR SURE it's not in any of those flicks. She said it in English, which means she didn't learn it at the kita. Ugh. Kids will say the darnedest -- and sometimes totally inappropriate -- things!

Perhaps we need a Family Home Evening lesson on not harassing other members of our family, including the furry four-legged ones. If she wasn't so stinkin' cute I'd be afraid of her. Very, very afraid.


Being Ausmus said...

Denise this post made me laugh out loud. From Abby's miserable look in the first picture to your melted cookies. Seriously you are going to love reading these back years from now!!! My heart swelled for Jeremy when I saw he sent you something for Valentines day. Some well deserved lovin thats for sure!!! xo

Eden said...

OooOOOoOOoooOoo. I would love some of those butter cookies--can I spread the batter on some bread?

Jeremy said...

I'm with Rachel, just freeze the batter and I'll eat it when I get home!

I miss you guys and I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Jessica said...

I love your heart banner! Great idea. My boys have made saying 'kill you' quite popular. I'd take cut your finger over kill! Where in the world did they learn that phrase? Crazy!

Gotta Move! said...

Abby and Oliver are great entertainment for each other and the videos are great entertainment for us. Keep them coming - Love it!