Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm 32!

Here I am in all my 32 years of glory! I'm sure you can all tell that I've been literally running my butt off and have lost 13 pounds already :P I've started back with Weight Watchers and I wear my running shoes everywhere so I can "take it up a notch" when I'm pushing Oliver around. I was able to log four miles before I knew it yesterday! My goal is to return to my pre-Oliver weight (175) before Jeremy returns home. Let's all pray for a miracle :)

It's been beautiful here, and the kids and I have made it a goal to find/try every playground within a 1-mile radius of our house before the month is over. It's awesome to be out and about during that 5 o'clock meltdown hour. Abby is so exhausted when we finally get home that she eats and goes right to bed.

Best. Idea. Ever.

Abby and I got some gelato for my birthday treat. She was kind enough to eat her cone and half of mine.

Then we went off to a spring festival at my friend's kita. Only in Germany would they have a crossbow and archery station for kids under the age of 10.

Abby was not down with this fake Native American. My dream catcher skills are so much better than his.

One little, two little, three little....

Don't these woods remind you of WWII movies? I always expect to see people running through them with soldiers following behind.

My friend made me this awesome angel food cake. Delicious.

Another friend made me lime cupcakes with mango frosting. I ate four of them!

They hang Easter eggs on trees over here. They are so beautiful to look at.

Got to love the cheesy decorations I got for Abby. She loves to run and hit this when she passes by. They will probably not be around much longer.

Abby loved decorating eggs. Holidays with kids are so much fun.

Isn't she talented? It only took Gracie two days to realize that there were eggs inside these beautiful shells and she ate them while we were at church. She's real helpful like that.


Jillian said...

Looking good Denise!

I can attest to your dream catcher skills - I was with you on a delivery once! ;)

Jeremy said...

So many fun pictures! I love the egg decorating machine... classic.

You guys all look great; smiles all around, beautiful weather, and adventure. Boy am I jealous!

Jessica said...

First of all: Happy Birthday! You look amazing! I wish I could run four miles. Two makes me cough up blood. I'm glad you had good friends who made you such yummy foods. I'm impressed you didn't eat all of those mango cupcakes cuz i woulda. Also--genius idea to take the kids outside during that 'melt-down hour.' Lastly--where can I get one of those awesome egg decorating contraptions? Love it!

heidizinha said...

happy birthday!

congratulations on 13 pounds! i can't wait to start working on mine!

and where did you get that awesome watercolor egg dying kit thing? i love it and i need one!


Sister Kim said...

That's my sister! I am so proud of the person you are! Super beautiful, intelligent, creative, wonderful/patient mother, and I love how you live life to the fullest every day! You remind me of Dumbledore - "Working always for the greater good and always willing to stretch out a hand to helping and loving others."

Where ever you travel you are surrounded by the most kindred spirits who adore you and are so thoughtful! I love how you are so self-sacrificing and do so much to help your kids have the best experiences.

I especially love that you are real and don't come off as being perfect even though compared to most of us you are. I admire your strength to remain focused on improving yourself despite daily challenges (occasional demanding baby :) poor husband living in crazy Africa. . . .)

Just letting you know that even though I wish I could force you to live in boring southern Ontario with us you are loved so much than you will ever know and there are so many people over here that can't go more than an hour without thinking of your adorable little family and wishing you every blessing. Love you more than a lot and reading your blogs brings such joy to my heart. xoxox

Sarah said...

Denise, you're looking great!! And I love that you keep your running shoes on so that you can make any moment a "work out" moment. Need to try that one.

It's so fun to see what Easter and birthday activities you and the kids (and dogs) are up to these days!

Cassandra Hill said...

You look AMAZING Denise!! You are truly an inspiration to me! I love hearing about all your fun adventures with your kids. The egg decoration machine looks pretty cool too. Happy Easter!!

Denna Le Lyman-Robertson said...

Ditto sister Kim's response to this blog. Denise, you are truly amazing. We are so blessed to have you in our family.

My favorite it the idea to exhaust Abby at the playground everyday. It is good for her and for you. I hope Olliver is being as cooperative and letting you recharge with a good night's sleep. You need it to keep up with all you are doing.

Happy 32 year birthday! You look great! You have much more will power than I have ever had.

Love you!!