Saturday, April 16, 2011

My wife is awesome!

Jeremy here, blogger hacker from Africa, and just in case you didn't know...


I know most people get Birthday info from Facebook, but just in case you didn't know, today is the day.

Once again, and I'm fairly certain this has happened almost every year we've been married, Denise is spending her Birthday without me. Somehow my job seems to keep me away on all of the mom/wife holidays; Birthday, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc. It may be a conspiracy, but I like to think it's just dumb luck. Thankfully we've always had great friends, wherever we've lived, that have taken good care of my family when I'm away and hopefully today is no different.

I will forever be grateful that the stars came into alignment for Denise and I to meet; I can't imagine my life without her, and as my mother often tells me "It's a good thing you found her, because I'm not sure any other woman would put up with you." Mom says she prayed Denise into my life and I couldn't be happier (neither could mom... in fact, I'm pretty sure likes Denise more than she likes me!).

Denise, we all love you, we're grateful for everything you do for our family, and I can't wait to see you again!



The Doughracle said...

Sorry Jeremy, but Andrew and I like Denise more too :)

Cassandra Hill said...

Happy Birthday, Denise!!! Sorry that Jeremy can't be there to celebrate with you! Hope you can do something fun (and/or relaxing) today! You are an amazing person and an inspiration to me! It's been fun reconnecting through blogging and hopefully one day we can meet each other's families in real life!! Have a fabulous birthday!

Eden said...

Happy Birthday to my dear friend! or should I say alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Wish I could take you out to cafe rio followed by Red Mango frozen yogurt!

Jena said...

Happy Birthday gorgeous girl (I'm still claiming to be a girl)! I hope you had some indulgence and spoiling going on over there. You deserve that and more.

Sister Kim said...

Jeremy - that is such a sweet and caring blog. I am going to make sure Greg reads this one!!! I am glad living in Africa hasn't changed the thoughtful, caring brother I have! Here's to you coming home to Germany soon and being surrounded by some of your most favourite loved ones! Wishing you all the best! xoxoxo