Thursday, May 05, 2011

My Friends Came Back

About a year ago, I went out to dinner with some of my ladies and we were discussing the insanity of having windows without screens. I mentioned that I have been finding tarantula-like spiders in my house. They are big, hairy, have huge solid bums, black as night, and can run incredibly fast. Nope, they didn't seem to have any idea what I was talking about. We had a ton of them -- I was killing more than one a day for weeks. Finally, either they got smart enough to stay away from me or I killed them all.

But, alas, they returned. This is just a "baby" one that I captured behind my treadmill yesterday. I hope they don't crawl on my face while I sleep. Ugh.


Cassandra Hill said...

Yikes! You are brave, Denise. I would be getting some window screens for sure!

Eden said...

have you tried spraying your window tracks with RAID or something like that? gross!

Jill said...


Anonymous said...

I must say, that is disgusting! We get alot of wolf spiders in our area. Had a brown recluse in the house by the door and one black widow hangin out by the trash cans. Bleh!...

Denna Le Lyman-Robertson said...

I remember the huge spider in the bathroom that was creeping me out. I think I vacuumed up about 4of them while I was there. They are too big to squish. Messy.