Thursday, February 04, 2010

Please Melt!

Japan had two days of really good snow, and Abby FINALLY got to use her new snowsuit I got her at Thanksgiving. She looks like the kid from The Christmas Story all bundled up.

Abby was just thrilled at the sticky wet goodness that is snow. She didn't think it was cold enough to require her hat. She's quite decisive.

I built her this super creepy snowman. It's eyes seriously got to me. I had the urge to kick it over on the way inside just in case it came to life and gave us the serious stare down.

Abby wasn't much of a helper. She mostly put snow in her bucket, waited until it melted a little, then drank it. Disgusting. Clearly she has no idea what our dogs do on that yard.

Good bye super freak snow man. May you melt and never return (although I'm sure I'll see you in a nightmare or two).


Sarah said...

Lol. CUTE. Well of course for the creepy eyes! Love the arms, very creative :0)

Being Ausmus said...

Ok two things.
1. Abby looks adorable in those winter a ball of cuteness.
2. That IS a creepy snowman:) LOL we actually just made our first one with Jacob and found it was quite difficult to make them cute when just using random things you've got in the fridge. Apparently you've got to be "prepared" for snowman making if you want them to be cute. Obviously mine will never be!!! You rock for trying though:)!!!

Eden said...

Nice snowman--don't work yourself too hard there, Denise. It looked like it was almost a foot and a half tall!!

Holly said...

HA HA! "I'm falling and I can't get up!"