Saturday, February 20, 2010

Little Bo Peep

Abby loves to play hide and go seek, but she doesn't really get the rules. First she yells, "Abby's hiding." Then I yell, "where is Abby?" After about five seconds of giggling she yells, "Abby's hiding under the sheep." Mystery solved. I'm better than Sherlock Holmes.

Here are some shots of her "hiding."
Notice her big girl panties. I can't get enough of them. I can't believe how fast she's growing and changing.

You can't hide that smile!

Sneaky eyes

She's so much harder to find when she's deep in thought.

Game's over! Time for nighty night.


Aunt Pamela said...

Very Cute!

Anonymous said...


End of story.

Holly said...

Love that girl!

Eden said...

look out Sydney Bristow!