Thursday, February 11, 2010

Run and Smash

Abby has had a fun few days of running around the house and smashing her head off things. Two days ago she smashed her head on the banister outside my house. Yesterday she ran into into the corner of the door frame. Today she fell off the counter and smashed her head on the sink divider. Good thing we have a ton of frozen peas! Nothing fixes a dented head like a loving hug from a caring daddy. Conveniently, that leaves my hands free to snap some photos.

She claims she fell into the door, but it sort of looks like she has a horn trying to come out. It could go either way. I'll keep tabs on it for my friends and family back home.

She's cute even with a bump/horn.

It took Abby about 10 minutes before she started eating the peas.

Peas are delicious!


Hunting. . .for sanity! said...

That is a nice one, Abby! And to think, she didn't even get pointers from my kids. Keep me informed on the 'horn' thing.

Shelle said...

DANG!!! What are you doing to that kid? :) That looks like MMA or WWF!!! It truly is amazing that they grow up with teeth and eyes at all.

Being Ausmus said...

Ok that first picture is classic!!! It made me laugh. Poor poor Abby. Jacob has had one almost identical to hers but right in the middle of his forehead. He looks like a unicorn. Clearly I need to invest in some cute little bags of peas like Abby's good mommy!!!

Sarah said...

Ouchie wouchie! I have to admit though...I think some people never outgrow the whole running into being one such person. Embarrassing as it is, it's not uncommon for me to bonk my head on a cupboard, while getting into a car, or even running into a street sign. Seriously have done that! Let's hope Abby doesn't follow suite :0)

A Friend's Perspective said...

2 recommendations: non-skid socks and an eye exam!

Aunt Kim said...

Wow! That looks painful! Ouch! It is best when your child develops a bump so then you know there is less damage inside the skull. Poor little Abbster!

Holly said...

Man oh man! I just want to eat those yummy cupcakes on her shirt!

Anonymous said...

Wow, thats a nice little bump she's got there! Good thing peas are so handy!