Thursday, February 04, 2010

Great Expectations

Isn't Abby's goofy photo adorable? I could just squeeze those cheeks all day!

People wonder what my expectations are for this pregnancy -- do I think it will be difficult, do I want a girl or a boy, what will delivering in Germany will be like, am I excited, etc. I just roll my eyes because I know that regardless of whatever I expect, things will be the total opposite.

I had no idea what parenting was all about until I became a parent. I thought I knew everything. I read a ton of books, talked to nearly every other parent I knew, and watched Super Nanny religiously. What more can you do?

Just to show you how ridiculous I was, here are some of my "expectations" on parenting:

Expectation: I was not sharing food with my kids because that's just disgusting. No licking off the same ice cream cone for me.

Reality: I am like a momma bird, taking food from my mouth and putting it directly into Abby's. She's returned the favor on more than one occasion. It's just nice to eat food twice.

Expectation: The term "sleeping like a baby" meant something good.

Reality: Infants are horrible sleepers. No good sleep is interrupted every two hours. I want my next kid to sleep like a geriatric with hearing problems.

Expectation: I would hate staying home and count the days until I could work again.

Reality: There is no better job in the world. It's my greatest blessing.

Expectation: The baby weight would leave with the baby.

Reality: Wouldn't that be nice? Half the weight was Reese Peanut butter cups and Coke. You can't push that crud out.

Expectation: Every mother has motherly instincts.

Reality: A lot of that first year is trial and error. Who knew that Abby had an ear infection and wasn't just overly whinny? Not her mom. Good thing she is so patient with me!

Expectation: No means no!

Reality: No means you better hurry up and throw whatever is in your hand before mom gets over here. Put on a cute face and yell, "hugging time." Mommies can't say no to that.

Expectation: Abby was NEVER going to eat junk food because we want to break the cycle of obesity.

Reality: We are actually really, really good at feeding her healthy, balanced and diverse foods. On the flip side, that girl can pound some cake like it's nobody's business. She also knows that Popyees sells macaroni and cheese and Burger King has super yummy fries.

Expectation: I was going to be the only parent that doesn't talk about her kid all day.

Reality: This whole blog is a running commentary about Abby. I'm that annoying mom on so many different levels. Sure there's other stuff I could talk about, but she gives me the best material. There is going to be a book about her someday.

Expectations: Our parents would still care about us.

Reality: It's all about the grand kids! I'm sure my mom will be disappointed this last photo is of me. This is prime Abby space. I've become a vessel for the yet to be seen grand kids of the future. Abby, Abby, Abby -- I am no longer the pack leader, and even the dogs have noticed. They walk on eggshells around Abby but have no problem running me over. It's not like I'm that hard to miss!

Here is the expectation-less new baby bump at 15 weeks. That being said, I expect to get much bigger. Let's hope I'm wrong!


A Friend's Perspective said...

Nice to see you've 'grown up' in your parenting skills! LOL I'm so proud of you! But then, I knew you would be a great mom.

As far as the book is concerned - check out this link

It makes it easy to 'slurp' your blog into a book. Wouldn't granma love that!!

Erin said...

Correction -- your mom will love that last photo of you because she's got a teeny tiny grandbaby in that photo in the form of your bump. Your mom won't look at the picture of you, she'll check out your bump. Either way, you look fantastic!

Great blog. I definitely had many of the same thoughts prior to having Owen. I'm still holding on to not sharing my ice cream. Not because I think it's gross but because it's my ice cream and I want all of it.

Cassandra Hill said...

Great post Denise - I had my own list of expectations before having kids. When you have number 2, he/she will be the complete opposite of Abby and you will be in for a new reality check (in a good way).

You look amazing!

Eden said...

Ha!! I wasn't able to "birth" out 7-11 nachos and Dr. Pepper slurpees either--go figure!

Aunt Libby said...

I want an autographed copy of that book. Parenting is trial and error and you are doing an awesome job! Look and listen to that little girl! Kudos also to "J". I too, enjoyed looking at that baby bump and also see that proud look in your face. Love you.

Sarah said...

First off...your 15-week baby bump self looks fabulous! Secondly, you're hilarious! And lastly, I'm so glad to hear that there are fellow "mother birds" out there :0)

Jena said...

Motherhood is a lot trickier than anyone can know until you're a mom. And, when you think you've got the hang of it, they enter a new stage and you have to figure it out all over again!

The Johnsons said...

I can't even remember if I have congratulated you guys yet?? If so that is lame and I'm so sorry. I was thrilled when I heard the news. I'm kind of in a computer rut...not so into it right now, but when I do get on and check out your blog I am never disappointed. I love this post! I'm sure you were deciding never to touch your kids food as you watched me drinking out of Lucy's sippy cup--at least there were no visible floaties :)

Mom and Dad N. said...

I don't know if you know who Erma Bombeck was but you remind me of write a book. Vol 2 will be on raising teenagers.

Jill May said...

That last picture of you Denise is GORGEOUS! Seriously. Movie star. I never looked that good pregnant! Love your expectations/ reality list. I literally threw some books across the room the first couple of months after Lilia was born. Trial and error it is. Even for the "best of the best."

Kara said...

We've never met, but you know my mom Kim Nelson. She sent me the link to your blog. HILARIOUS! I have a little girl that age, and an older boy. I love how you put in to words EXACTLY what parenting is really like. Can't wait for your book. : )