Sunday, March 13, 2011

25% Is Better Than Nothing!

We have officially hit a notable landmark – 25% of Jeremy’s deployment to Djibouti is over! Sweet mother of awesomeness!

To mark this special day, here are 25 interesting tidbits from that time:

From his end….

1. Jeremy’s first purchase with his overtime money was an iPad.

2. His favorite pastime is reading magazines like Urban Farmer and Hobby Farm Home

3. He can’t wait to come home and build a small home server. For the record, I have no idea what that means.

4. He loves to watch Battle Star Glattica or read at night.

5. He gave his first talk during church last week. Topic: ideas from the Sermon on the Mount

6. Jeremy spent the night in the hospital shortly after he got there. He had an infection. Don’t be fooled; he LOVES military doctors and all their cool stories. I think he got the infection on purpose.

7. Off base, Jeremy eats baby lamb quite frequently. It’s about $6 a plate.

8. Every Wednesday he has board Games night. They usually play Venture or Scrabble.

9. Jeremy wakes up several hours every night; he thinks its sympathy sleeploss for his poor wife at home

10. My love created a spreadsheet to chart his workout progress. Be still my beating heart.

11. He started out with 50 roommates (in one big tent) and now only has one. That what they call moving up in the world Djibouti style.

12. Jeremy’s standard breakfast consists of: oatmeal, fruit, milk, an english muffin, and two strips of bacon

13. Jeremy lives close to a few airfields. This thrills him to no end. Some people love to live near the ocean, but my man would take an airfield any day of the week.

14. There is a cheetah refuge near the base where you can volunteer to help take care of the cats. Jeremy can’t wait to join in.

15. Stripped hyenas walk the boundaries of the base. I guess they are nature’s bodyguards just doing their part.

16. When Jeremy eats off base he eats with one hand. Can just use your imagination on why….

17. Jeremy works 6-7 days a week, 12 hrs most days. I am loving the overtime pay – the one bonus of having him gone.

18. The weather is exactly the same every day – hot and humid.

19. It rained for the first time yesterday. It often flood the housing when that happens. The ground is just too dry to absorb the water. I’m sure you’re dying to know the iPad is okay!

From my end….

20. I’m so thankful I have dogs at my house. I don’t to worry about people sneaking into our house to hurt us at night.

21. Sleep can literally mean the difference between enjoying life and loathing it.

22. I can eat an entire key lime pie by myself.

23. My nanny is seriously the most amazing person ever. It’s going to be a sad, sad day when I don’t come home to my laundry folded, dinner made, and all my mail translated.

24. Kids are resilient. We don’t give them enough credit.

25. Chocolate and Coke can make any day better.



Eden said...

I really can't imagine why he uses one hand to eat-- I'm being serious. Sounds like something I probably don't want to know. And I have to argue with # 25-- it's actually Dr. Pepper and good bread that make everything better :)

Cassandra Hill said...

Awesome post, Denise! Way to look for the positives. Glad to hear you are coping through the hard times. Hope you get some more sleep in the next little while!

A Friend's Perspective said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I should do something like that for Mark. But I don't think he has the variety that Jeremy does in his work.

Brent said...

Hi, I met your husband in Djibouti while deployed with my National Guard unit. I came across your blog because Google Reader suggested it for me. Crazy, I know!

Anyway, I was present for his talk, and he did a great job. The little LDS branch there is wonderful, and I hope Jeremy is having a great experience.

Okay, enough random rambling. All the best to you and your family!

Brent Mayberry

Aunt Kim said...

Great read. Jeremy sure is living a different lifestyle! I think John also has an IPAD and he loves it. Greg would like one too but we are several years behind in technology in my home. We have just had the Internet for about two years now! Is there anyway they would send Jeremy home early? Here's hoping! I can't wait to see all of Jeremy's pictures especially the wild animals! xo

Gotta Move! said...

Wahoo! 25 days down. It will fly by now because you are in a rhythm. P.S. I know why they only use one hand to eat and it is pretty unappealing.

Jessica said...

Woo hoo! A quarter done with all of that solo parenting business. Please use your overtime money to come visit. I want to pamper you with love, food, endless diet coke, and baby sitting.

Jena said...

I've been thinking about you and what it must be like. What a woman! You are a superhero. I still can't picture Jeremy out there "roughing" it. How was the Testaments? I know you watched it...

The Johnsons said...

I'm glad you've made it so far...I'm sure you are fairing much better then I would! I'm guessing he is using one hand because he is shooing away some stray dogs or something with the other while he eats. Or there is no silverware so he only wants to dirty one hand. Ollie is super handsome and really pretty. I hope he goes for the handsome look in the future :) Van has the same thing going. And for the record I will be buying all of my quilts :) And kids really don't have to go to the dentist by 3. Just wanted to check out Owens mouth because he still uses a passifier at night. :)