Wednesday, March 09, 2011

It’s About Time

I blog for family history purposes, and to help assuage the tremendous amount of guilt I have about keeping grandparents away from their adorable grandbabies. If it manages to entertain people in the process, then all the better. Today, however, I feel as though I need to vent in a public venue. Just give me a moment to get on my soapbox.

Yesterday I had a conversation with my mom about a friend of mine that is not doing something they should be. Something that could have eternal repercussions on their family. Something that is heartbreaking for me to watch. Something that would take about 10 minutes a day if they actually did it. My mom’s response was, “ Well, people are busy, you know.” That bothered me. That REALLY bothered me. I thought about it all day long yesterday. I thought about it when I got up to breastfeed Oliver last night. It was the first thing I thought about this morning. And so, now I’m going to make you think about it.

I could go on about this topic forever, but I’ll try to summarize my thoughts in a few quick points….

** We ALL have the SAME number of hours in a day. How you choose to spend that time makes all the difference. People that accomplish a lot of things in a day do not get a few extra hours to help them; they just manage their time really well and don’t ‘waste’ it.

** NO ONE in the world is TOO busy to do what they want. It may take them a few years longer to reach their goal, but if they WANT to do it they will. It’s all about making your wants your priorities.

If you want to run a marathon then you need to put on your running shoes instead of the TV (or whatever you do that wastes time – see bottom for further details). If you want to lose weight then you need to prep healthy foods so they are accessible and ready to eat instead of playing Bejeweled on Facebook. If you want a better relationship with your kids you need to get off the phone with your BFF and get on the floor with a puzzle.

If you don’t like result then you need to change the action.

** There is nothing more selfish in this world than wasting someone else’s time. I am a huge advocate of cutting these people off. I do it all the time.

** EVERYONE has 10 minutes in their day to do something nice for someone else – open a door, send a letter, smile, help calm a crying baby, give a donation, whatever. NO ONE is that important. NO ONE.

** It’s seriously lame when people downplay the successes of others by using their “lack of time” – like that’s really the issue – for not doing it themselves.

Does this familiar: It must be nice THEY have so much time to lose weight/stay in touch with friends/learn a new sport/get a degree/whatever? I always want to respond with, “Yes, it is nice they have made that their priority. I’m sure they are loving the results.”

** I firmly believe that peoples’ circumstances play a very little role in how much time you have. You can have 20 kids and still be on time or have no kids at home and still never accomplish anything. If you never have any time then you need to see a life counselor to help you find where you are wasting it. Whining about not having any time is actually wasting more of your time.

** What you choose to do with your time is your own business. I have a friend who LOVES, seriously loves, to watch TV. And she is amazing at it. She writes fan fiction (my little celebrity). She is soon going to be a professional TV reviewer, and she gives the stinking best recommends ever. That is not what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about things that you don’t really want to do but are doing to PROCRASTINATE doing the things you should be doing. For example, watching the same Dr.Phil episode for the fourth day in a row instead of doing your tax refund, etc. I think you know the difference.

This year for lent I am giving up wasting my time. I’m only doing things that make me a better person – taking down time when I need it, seeing friends I like, getting the necessary life things done, and supporting those who are using their time to seriously rock at whatever they are doing.

Can I get an Amen?


Jill May said...

I totally agree. Not that I don't do my own share of time wasting, but I am very aware that that is what I sometimes do. I actually feel like I have MORE time, the more things I do each day. For instance, when Cliff is deployed I try to stay super busy and I fill my schedule to the brim. I am always amazed at how much more I get done and can do when he is gone. Now I just need to get off my duff and do all of that stuff when he is HERE too!!

Lady Atherton said...

HALLELUJAH SISTER! I love the forthrightness. I will continue apologizing for being such a flake, but having you in my life is helping me figure out how to balance what I need to get done in a day and what I want to do. I am a better person having met you.

Jeremy said...

You can get two amens from me! I know we've discussed this in the past and I love that you've put it down into words (maybe a rap at some point???).

I'll never make moral/value calls on how other people spend their time... OK, maybe I will, but I shouldn't. That being said, we all have to "own up" to how we spend our day. I'm sure people think I'm insane for spending 4 hrs making the ragu for my lasagna... you probably think that as well, but I like doing it. I just can't complain that I don't have time for something else because I chose to make ragu.

The Doughracle said...

NO ONE in the world is TOO busy to do what they want. It may take them a few years longer to reach their goal, but if they WANT to do it they will. It’s all about making your wants your priorities.
I think I'm going to make this my quote of the year. I appreciate the encouragement for getting off my butt and getting what I want actually done (or at least moving towards it) :)

Jessica said...

How about an AMEN and a HOLLA!

Aunt Kim said...

I enjoyed reading your blog - not a waste of my time :) It made me think of how I misuse my time and some changes I need to make.

Marguerite said...

Girlfriend, tell us how you really feel...ROTFLMAO. As always you have hit the nail on the head.
When I get frustrated with others that way I have to remind myself that not everyone has had the same opportunities and chance to learn those skill sets. IE: when people just purchase really crappy prepared foods, eat it in front of the t.v. and then fall asleep; but still can't figure out why they are so unhealthy. They could be hiding behind excuses, but they also may genuinely not know the true long term effects or have the knowledge to correct the issue.
No the less, let it out sister, let it out.
Be grateful for what you have and always strive to do better.

Sarah said...

Well said, and it gives me a lot to think about! I've frequently been one to complain about being a certain way instead of changing it. Thanks for "venting" so that all of us could benefit :0)

Eden said...

Agreed! Amen! I needed to read this-- and I love that you guys always practice Lent. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go use my time wisely! p.s. I am a firm believer that taking a short nap in the afternoon is a good use of time-- when I do this for about 1/2 hour then I feel like I am so much more efficient and nicer the rest of the day.

Sommer Family said...

Amen and amen!
(And I'm hoping I make the list of friends that aren't a waste of time!)

Being Ausmus said...

Often your soapbox rants are my favourite reads:) Thanks for the I need to go prep some vegetables:)!!! xo

Being Ausmus said...

PS. I love that you still do lent every year:)

Tracy said...

AMEN sista! And may I also add to your diatribe, you CHOOSE to be miserable. Only YOU can make yourself be happy! There, I'll get off my soapbox now too. We'll hold hands and skip out the door, cuz we have it all figured out. :) :P

Cassandra Hill said...

Very well said, Denise! This is so true! I have a way of getting so much done when I am under pressure. But then afterwards I always think - why can't I always be that productive? Because I'm a lazy procrastinator and I don't do a lot unless something is forcing me to get more done in less time. And then I do it. Ugh, I need to change that.

heidizinha said...

you can totally get an AMEN from me!

Jena said...

Amen from Michigan! We are accountable for our time just as we are accountable for everything else! Time is a precious a gift.

Thanks for the reminder. You are definitely one of those people with "extra hours" because you are so brilliant.

Callicott Family said...

Well said. I think I might need to add that to my Lenten to do list.

zoot said...

I think the "I don't have time" is just a really convenient excuse. I fall back on it often myself, but deep down inside I know the truth that you speak. We do always have time, just sometimes we don't want to MAKE time.

It's like with Volunteering. No one has time to donate to a cause for free, we all MAKE the time to do it because it's important.

Great entry!