Monday, March 07, 2011

Melt Dddooowwwnnn!

You know you've overstayed your welcome at someone's house when your kid drops their drawers, sits down on their sled, and pees through the slates all over the floor. Does this like look a toilet to anyone but Abby? Enjoy your urine-soaked sled next year, Bitners!

So, as you can tell from the ditty above, Abby's been having some rough days. She hasn't been feeling the greatest and her meltdown-at-any-moment attitude is shinning through. Yesterday's meltdown happened because I let Oliver wear her cherry hat. Oh my goodness. HOW DARE I? It's not like she doesn't have another five hats to choose from.

Look how cute he is in it:

This was the result of letting Oliver wear her hat for all of two minutes:

I had to take a video of all the drama. Now, this video was not meant to be funny; at the time, I wasn't cracking up at all. But now that I've watched it 20 times or so it is HYSTERICAL. Remember the movie Parenthood? There are two kids that stick out in my memory for obvious reasons: a brilliant girl about three that speaks different languages, skips grades in school, and is learning karate, and a boy about one that gets his entertainment by putting a pail on his head and walking into things.

Now watch this video and laugh along with me!


Jena said...

AWEsome. Emphasis on the awe. I can't believe she has meltdowns. My kids NEVER have meltdowns. Wait. Maybe I just dreamed that?

Callicott Family said...

The best part is the end, when she decides to get upset again, the little faker. It's so much funnier when it's not your kid!

Lady Atherton said...

bwahahahahaha...poor baby Ollie, always happy as a clam regardless of his tormentors.

MY kids never meltdown must be you.