Sunday, April 12, 2009

199.5 -- WOO HOO!

My new favorite number: 199.5. Now I only have 50 more pounds until I meet my goal of 150.

I've also managed to pass the Military Fitness Training Test with a less-than-impressive 2 miles in 20 minutes, which looks good compared to my first time of 2 miles in 26 minutes. I can now run 4 miles without stopping. My half-marathon is coming up: May 30th. Slow and steady is not going to win that race, but I look forward to finishing it.

I thought it would be fun to post a few snapshots of the 'old me.' This might be a bit shocking for those of you who never knew me while I was in college.

Rocking out at Woodstock

Me riding a very frightened horse

At least I tanned well!

Load me in the ambulance; I'm not healthy!

Thanks to Jeremy for doing Weight Watchers with me, and for watching the squeeker while I work out an hour every day. Jeremy looks great as well. He's down 35 pounds as of last week.

Thanks to Cindy and Ashley for letting me vent about missing junk food every time I see them. Also, thanks for not mocking me when I sneak across the road for a hotdog almost every Tuesday.

Thanks to Kristen for walking on the treadmill behind me and yelling at me not to stop.
Thanks to Maryl -- the only other member of my running group -- for her determination to get me out running every Tuesday. I'm so thankful you're willing to talk when I am too tired to!


Jill May said...

Denise - you are officially my personal heroine! You go girl! You look FANTASTIC! (I almost put heroin...that might have changed the vibe of this comment...)

Crystal said...

You look great! You were always beautiful, but now you look healthier, too. :D

Jessica said...

Wow! Congrats on running four miles non-stop! I applaud your diet and exercise efforts. You are changing your life! I can't wait to see you in September! Woo hoo. Will you stay with us? Celebrate The Deuce of the The Deuce's birthday?

heidizinha said...

denise, a very very hearty congratulations! i really love weight watchers and feel like it is the only thing that works for me consistently. i can't wait to go back after baby!

what does jeremy think of it? jayson always did well on it, but couldn't handle all of the questions from the breastfeeding mothers....

The Doughracle said...

D impressed! You guys look great in your photos on the blog. More importantly, an impressive display of discipline. Keep it up, not just to get healthier yourself, but to inspire the rest of us lazy shmucks to get off of our tuckises and go exercise an hour a day! Thanks for the motivation and example of rock (as always)!