Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Am I Old?

I turn 30 tomorrow.


When I was younger I considered people who were 30 to be old. I don't feel old. I don't feel young either. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. That's fine; I'm all about blending in.

The upside to reaching a new decade is setting fun and exciting goals for my 30s. What do I want to accomplish? What kind of person do I want to be 10 years from now when I'm about to turn 40? How can I keep progressing, improving and inspiring Abby to be actively engaged in the world around her? Where will I find the energy to complete the list below?

30 things I -- Denise Michelle Robertson -- want to accomplish in the next decade:

1. Run a half marathon

2. Have the next (and last) baby

3. Do Joy School with both children

4. Go on two volunteer vacations

5. Read 500 new books (150 of these have to be from our Easton Press series)

6. Finish the Young Women Personal Progress program through my church

7. Do 10 family names in the temple

8. Get Jeremy a new wedding band

9. Visit 30 new countries – Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Malta, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungry, Romania, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Peru, Bali, and Singapore

10. Reach my goal weight of 150 pounds

11. Get a tummy tuck

12. Climb Mt. Fuji

13. Find a signature dish that I feel comfortable making and everyone likes

14. White water raft a class III rapid

15. Buy a house near Washington DC

16. Get something published

17. Take a self defense class

18. Landscape our house in Germany

19. Join the PTA or volunteer in Abigail’s school library

20. Learn to play all the Primary songs on the piano

21. Learn about -- and gain a strong testimony of -- our new Prophet Thomas S. Monson

22. Take a family trip to Disney World

23. Buy the complete Living Scriptures series and watch them with my kids

24. Pay off our student loans

25. Go dog sledding

26. Take golf lessons with Jeremy

27. Reach a government 2.0 level in German

28. Go on a family vacation with the Lewis/McQueen families

29. Go on a family vacation with the Robertson/Smith families

30. ** This is Jeremy’s secret goal for me that he has yet to reveal**


Being Ausmus said... you are not old!!! I absolutely love your list of things to do!!! You are so amazing. I love you!!! 30 here you come:)!!!

Sarah said...

Old?! No. But I love your idea of setting goals for each new decade. I think that's almost gets ME exciting about turning 30 in a few years :0)

So, I just checked Facebook to see when your birthday is...tomorrow... well at least here. Weird that you're already 30 in Japan :0) In any case, Happy Birthday!!

heidizinha said...

happy birthday again...

and your goals sound amazing. i'm going to pass the idea on to jayson, who is really excited to turn thirty this year.

Jessica said...

I can't believe you would snub me on your vacation dream plans. Thanks a lot. Great list though!

Sommer Family said...

I'm dying to know the secret goal. Is it ever going to be revealed? I'll have to find out somehow!