Saturday, April 11, 2009


I love hanging out with my sweet neighbour Kristen. Most of our time is spent lounging out, calling each other to plan times to kick it, driving to Zama (so we can find other people to hang out with together) or eating. There's no denying it; we're together all the time.

So when Jeremy gave the 'heck no' to partner's yoga, Kristen gave the 'heck yes.' It sounded like it could be a lot of fun, until I realized that partner's yoga included yoga. Also, I would have to get all inappropriately close to my partner --without laughing! -- and bending my non flexible body into nearly impossible bend-a-rific positions.

We actually did this position on the right. It's way harder than it looks. Don't believe me? Try it out. Also, keep in mind that I weigh 200 pounds and Kristen is pregnant. The sad part is, we were the only people there that couldn't do it! I wonder if they practice at home.

I think I'd get kicked out of my Church if we tried this position. That's the reason why we totally didn't try it. I'm sure we could do it if we did ;)

Yeah, right.

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