Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bedtime Drama

Abby has recently learned to crawl out of her crib. It's been a bit of a challenge for me to get her down for a nap now that she knows she can just escape and play away her nap time. I've tried to follow the SuperNanny rules -- keep putting her back, no speaking or negotiating, not giving up until her regular nap time has lapsed, even if she refuses to sleep.

My biggest problem is that if she crawls out of her crib to play, she can't get back in to put herself to sleep when she starts winding down. I would hate to switch out her bed right before we move; I was hoping she would stay content in her crib until we got out of here.

After about two hours of me wrestling with her she finally got to sleep, so I couldn't help but videotape her passed out in all her glory.

While I was hanging out by the door to catch her being naughty, I caught her singing a complication of Popcorn Popping, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, How Much is that Doggie in the Window and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. How can I be mad at someone so adorable?

Any tips on keeping her in her crib?


Eden said...

there is an actual tent that's made out of mesh that you strap on to the top of the crib---the BEST $60 bucks you'll ever spend. we had to use it with Ruby and she actually liked it!

Holly said...

That right there just made my day!

sly said...

That singing is absolutely adorable. You are right--how could you ever be mad at that cute girl after that cute singing???