Monday, December 28, 2009

Do We Smell?

Here comes an awesomely truthful rant. The purpose is not to offend people, but I’m sure it will. I write it in jest, but we all know that humor stems from the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts; suck it up!

I’ve never in my life been in a ward as weird as the one here. I’m not saying the people don’t live the Gospel, love the church or have charity -- I’m just saying we’re a big group of socially awkward nut balls. All of us. There is not one exception.

Jeremy and I have tried our hardest to be friends with everyone. Almost weekly I send messages to other moms in the ward to set up play groups. We all have kids near the same age range and we are almost ALL stay-at-home-moms. Am I needy because I think our kids (and us) could benefit from getting out of the house and having human face-to-face interactions? One lady told me I was needy straight to my face. Perhaps I am, but at least I'm not lame. And I leave my house.

If anyone even bothers to respond to my emails, I usually get tons of “I’m too busy” or “It’s too difficult for me to come see you” or, my favorite, “Maybe next week.” It’s been next week for three-and-a-half years. Next week isn’t coming. Get yourself a calendar and put my name on it already.

We’ve also had a ton of parties where we’ve invited EVERYONE in the ward. We don’t play favorites or invite people based on who likes who. You either want to come or you don’t. It’s not fifth grade. But since most people don’t come, I’m assuming perhaps we’re the people they’re looking to avoid. This is better clarified by the fact that we have gotten about five invites in three-and-a-half years to someone’s house in the ward. This doesn't include the many, many dinners I had at my friend Maryl's house. She was a shining exception. I have a feeling that we’re not the only ones who are out-of-the-loop. Isn’t a ward supposed to be a big happy family? A respite from the world?

I know you’re probably thinking we’re super losers at the moment, but it’s just not the case. We spend most of our time with people outside the ward. We’re still moving and a shaking and loving life. We just long for the days of Beijing where the ward was friends and every Sunday was a brawl to have the most guests over for dinner. We didn’t avoid each other like the plague, give people the preverbal “we should get together sometime” middle finger and avoid the people on the same base like they have the scabies.

Perhaps people just forget we exist because we live so far away.

Is it because we're Democrats (or at least I am and hope Jeremy will fully switch sides someday)?

How many more days until we leave?

P.S -- It also bothers me that expatriots around here never talk about the wives of the family. We're all obsessed with what our husbands do, where they are in the world and where they are dragging us next. It would be super nice for someone to ask me what I'VE been doing. Which, for the record, has been a lot. I've climbed Mt. Fuji, hiked the Inca trail, taken a ton of online courses in biology and political science, read 35 books since April, taught myself to run, took two vacations home, did a bible study on Daniel and lost 45 pounds. Oh, and I also cleaned my house nearly every day and parented up a storm. Thanks for asking.


Crystal said...

You smell like roses my dear!

I've been trying to come up with something witty and supportive to add. But it's just so darned eloquent.

You hit the nail on the head. I've never been to a ward like this one. Someone told me "the most important thing is the Sacrament, nothing else really matters." Pardon me, we're commanded to love one another. You can't love someone you don't know. Maybe you can, but as a branch family we should be getting to know each other beyond the surface. We need to be serving as each other's extended family. It's easier to serve someone when you know their needs.

I got your back on this one.

Being Ausmus said...

Denise I love it when you rant. I think this blog post should be read on the pulpit during sacrament next week:) or maybe you could "bare your testimony" the week before you exit:)
Just think you're almost you girlie!

heidizinha said...

ha ha denise. it's true. every ward has their wacky problems. it sounds like yours has taken it to a new extreme.

we woke up today to read an article about a drug bust involving knives and bats (and possibly guns) happening a block from our house. a house we walk by everyday.

uhhh, i think we're moving too.

Sarah said...

Hey, I think there's nothing wrong with being honest and KUDOS for all of your MANY efforts! You've gone way above and beyond what I would have done! AND, way to go Denise...I love the way you take your life by the horns and get things done! Any suggestions you want to pass along for this new year? :0)

Aunt Kim said...

Greg, Reese and I would visit if we lived a little closer and you are welcomed at our home anytime!

Denna Le Lyman-Robertson said...

We would love you to come back to Utah. We party like no tomorrow in our ward (and family)!

Holly said...

Wow. Glad I don't live there. Too bad you will always live far away from me. Wish you were closer so we could hang out with our kids everyday...

Jessica said...

It makes me sad that people live near you and go to the same ward and have missed out on the chance to benefit from your charm and talent and humor. I want to be in your ward again! After five years in our current ward we only have like two friends--but we aren't socially gracious like you and we never invite anyone over but we never get invited either. Awesome.

45 lbs. that is so amazing, seriously. YOU are amazing.

A Friend's Perspective said...

Denise, I love you!!! For real. It's Jeremy. He stinks. :) LOL Really, I wish you guys were here!!! You know I participated in those brawls to have you at MY house in Beijing! Alas, the world is not like China. :( That's good AND bad. Miss you my friend!!

A Friend's Perspective said...

Oh and BTW - congrats on your phenomenal accomplishments!! Maybe they're all overcome with your awesomeness! :)

Eden said...

Look at it this way, Germany has got to be better, right? you are awesome! where did you take your online courses?

Jena said...

They are all just intimidated. I mean, come on, look at that list of awesomeness coming from you and that family of yours. They aren't sure how to measure up. Scared, I tell, ya. Flat out, scared.

Having said that, they shouldn't be. You two love all of us mini brained people. And we know it!

I proud of you girl. Can't wait to be as cool as you some day. I'm working on it!

Hunting. . .for sanity! said...

What?!? There is something wrong with the way our branch is??? I just assumed it was us - we never seem to have friends, from our wards, that want to hang out with us.

I'm sorry to hear that you feel the same way. I wonder how many of us there are? I must say, though, I don't care to bother with some . . . just not worth it!

You are awesome for letting us all know we are nut jobs. I would have never known otherwise. At least your out is in site - which I must say makes me very sad! I love hanging & chatting with you!!!